Manajemen Model Sengkuyung Pada Pertunjukan Festival Seni Sukorejo Periode Tahun 2022 Di Kecamatan Parengan Kabupaten Tuban

  • Tinta Aurista Prodi Pendidikan Sendratasik (Universitas Negeri Surabaya)




Keywords: FSS (Sukorejo Arts Festival), Management, Sengkuyung, Gotong royong,

                 Sensitivity, Handarbeni

Sukorejo Village deserves to be called an art laboratory. Sukorejo Village deserves to be called an art laboratory. This can be seen from the existence of traditions that are still highly preserved and strengthened by the annual village activity, namely the Sukorejo Arts Festival (FSS). This is reinforced by the annual village activity, namely the Sukorejo Arts Festival (FSS). FSS activities are always busy with art lovers and guests from inside and outside Sukorejo village. The FSS for the 2022 period has the theme "Gumregah Ngreksa Kakulturan Nuswantara" which takes the form of Art Performances, Cultural Parades and UMKM (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) Bazaars. This research aims to describe the Sengkuyung model management and the cultural values ​​contained in the characteristics of the Sengkuyung model management at the FSS performance for the 2022 period in Parengan sub-district, Tuban district. This research also explores information from various theses and journals to strengthen this research. The research method uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis takes the form of data reduction, data preparation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Data validity uses source triangulation, technical triangulation, and also theoretical triangulation. The results of this research explain that the implementation of the Sengkuyung model of management at FSS in 2022 will provide mutual assistance between committee members even though tasks have been divided according to the fields they control. The management used in implementing FSS has four functions, namely: planning, organizing, mobilizing and supervising. The FSS was held for 5 consecutive days starting from 27 September 2022 – 01 October 2022. The conclusion of this research is that the Sengkuyung model management at the FSS performance has the management function of planning, organizing, mobilizing and supervising which contains the characteristics of Javanese cultural values ​​in it. The cultural values ​​used in the management of FSS performances include the values ​​of mutual cooperation, sensitivity and handarbeni where each committee has these qualities to make the implementation of the FSS a success

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