
Ambiguitas dalam bahasa Jepang dikenal dengan istilah ‘aimaisei’ merupakan fenomena kebahasaan yang sering dijumpai dalam contoh-contoh kalimat bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan keambiguitasan makna berdasarkan faktor penyebab kemunculannya, kemudian mendeskripsikan bagaimana interpretasi ujaran yang mengandung keambiguitasan makna, serta mengaitkannya dengan keefektifitasan iklan tersebut. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yakni mengenai keambiguitasan makna oleh Shibatani dan Momiyama.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik dokumentasi, teknik simak bebas libat cakap, dan teknik catat. Kemudian teknik untuk menganalisis data adalah teknik deskriptif kualitatif.

Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dari 53 data yang mengandung keambiguitasan makna dalam iklan produk Shiseido yang dimuat dalam website resmi Shiseido disebabkan karena 5 hal yaitu karena berpoliseminya kata tertentu, disebut dengan istilah tagigo ni yoru aimaiseisebanyak 16 data, karena terdapat kata yang homonim atau disebut dengan istilah douonigi sebanyak 1 data, kemudian karena perbedaan penafsiran struktur gramatikal atau disebut dengan istilah kouzouteki aimaisei, yang ditemukan dalam tingkatan kata sebanyak 4 data, dalam tingkatan frase sebanayak 9 data, maupun dalam tingkatan kalimat sebanyak 27 data. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa meskipun ujaran-ujaran tersebut mengandung keambiguitasan makna iklan tersebut tetap efektif untuk mencapai tujuan iklan.

Ambiguity which is called ‘aimaisei’ in Japanese is a linguistic phenomenon that frequently comes into spot within the examples of Japanese sentences. This research was aimed to classify meaning ambiguity based on the causal factors, to describe the interpretations of utterances which have ambiguous meanings, and to relate that with the effectiveness of the advertisement. The researcher investigated if there are any ambiguous meanings in the advertisement that make it effective, especially in the advertisement of Shiseido cosmetics which stands as the research subject.

The theory used in this research is theory of ambiguous meaning proposed by Shibatani and Momiyama. In term of its relation with the effectiveness of the advertisement, the researcher used several theories related to the linguistic functions, the structures of advertising language, and the aspects required to make the advertisement effective. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection techniques used are documentation technique, Uninvolved Conversation Observation (Simak Bebas Libat Cakap) Technique, and noting technique. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative technique.

The results show that there are 53 data that have ambiguous meaning within the advertisement of Shiseido products advertised on the official website of Shiseido; this is caused by 5 factors that are to have particular polysemy called tagigo ni yoru aimaisei, to have different grammatical interpretation called kouzouteki aimaisei, and to have homonym inter-words, inter-phrases, and inter-sentences. The research has also revealed that despite the ambiguous meanings, the advertisement remains effective because it meets the linguistic functions, the structure of advertising language, and/or the aspects of advertising language required to make an advertisement effective.

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