• Muhammad Faisal Yusginanta S1 Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang UNESA


Speech act is a form of utterance aimed at influencing the listener. The threat commissive illocutionary speech act is a
speech act that compels the listener to do what the speaker wants, and usually harms the interlocutor. Golden Kamuy
anime tells the story of a former Japanese soldier who wants to find lost gold. Along the journey, there are many obstacles,
including threats exchanged between characters as they compete for the gold. This is the reason why the researcher chose
this anime as a data source. The aims of this research are (1) to describe the forms of commissive illocutionary speech
acts, divided into direct and indirect speech acts, in the anime Golden Kamuy, and (2) to describe the sentence forms of
commissive illocutionary speech acts in the anime Golden Kamuy. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research
method. The qualitative approach is chosen because the analyzed data consists of utterances that require description with
words. This study uses Saifudin's theory on the forms of commissive illocutionary speech acts, Yule's theory on sentence
form structures, and Hymes' theory on the context of speech. After collecting and analyzing the data, this research found
a total of 21 data of commissive illocutionary speech acts in the form of threats. The result is 14 data are direct
illocutionary speech acts, while 7 data are indirect illocutionary speech acts. As for the sentence structure, the results
showed that there are 15 declarative sentence data, 3 imperative sentence data, and 3 interrogative sentence data. The
anime "Golden Kamuy" tells the story of a conflict over gold, involving different characters with their own affiliations.
This is the reason why the results of this research found a significant presence of direct speech acts and declarative
sentence structures.
Keywords: direct speech act, indirect speech act, illocutionary, commissive, threats
源として選んだ理由である。この研究の目的は、(1) アニメ『ゴールデンカムイ』における実施型言明行為の形式を直接型と間
接型に分けて説明し、(2) アニメ『ゴールデンカムイ』における実施型言明行為の文の形式を説明することである。この研究では、
研究では、実施型言明的の発話内行為の形式に関する Saifudin の理論、文の形態構造に関する Yule の理論、および発
話の文脈に関する Hymes の理論を使用している。データの収集と分析の結果、脅迫の実施型言明的発話内行為として合
計 21 のデータが見つかった。そのうち、14 のデータは直接型の実施型言明行為であり、7 のデータは間接型の実施型言明行
為である。文の構造に関しては、15 の陳述文データ、3 の命令文データ、および 3 の疑問文データが存在することが見つかった。


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