New Vocational Paradigm: Vocational Literacy and Work Imagination in Vocational Students
This study explores the state of vocational literacy and work imagination among Business and Finance students at the Vocational Faculty, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Improving these skills helps students design careers, define identities, develop skills, and recognize professional opportunities and challenges that they can prepare for future work. This study used a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were six students selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected through observation and in-depth interviews and analyzed through data reduction, data display, and withdrawal conclusion. The results show that students understand the differences between vocational education and a bachelor’s degree. However, they feel their practical learning is not yet optimal. To develop competencies, students participate in internship programs organized by the campus, Independent Learning-Independent Campus (known as MBKM), or independently. While lecturers encourage key work behaviors in class and laboratory sessions, students feel these practices are not optimal. Most vocational students have career plans and work imagination, primarily explored through internships. Some have begun implementing these plans, with many marketing management students already establishing businesses. Therefore, this study highlights the need to strengthen vocational literacy at various levels, including among students, institutions, and stakeholder partnerships.
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