Readiness of the Religious Affairs Office, Sambeng District, Lamongan Regency to Manage Dynamic Archives: What are the Implications for Office Management?
Readiness, Dynamic Archives management, Office ManagementAbstract
Sub-optimal archive management can hamper employee performance. Apart from that, employee facilities and abilities in processing archives are also essential to pay attention to. This research aims to determine the management of archives that occurs, the obstacles experienced, and the efforts made to overcome these obstacles. This research uses a descriptive type of research with a qualitative approach, where the object of this research is the Religious Affairs Office, Sambeng District, Lamongan Regency. Meanwhile, the research subjects were two employees in the administrative section and one employee in the general functional section. Data collection techniques, including semi-structured interviews, observation, and documentation, were used. Data analysis techniques are carried out using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions using data validation techniques in the form of triangulation. Data was obtained that the archives management at the Sambeng District Religious Affairs Office could have been more optimal, as there was no recording of incoming letters in the agenda book. There are no archivists, so all employees have the task of managing archives. There were obstacles in carrying out administrative activities because the storage process was carried out by different people, resulting in difficulties when rediscovering archives. Infrequent shrinkage results in documents piling up, resulting in inadequate storage space. However, the employees consistently serve the community well and as fully as possible. Apart from that, employees also try to overcome the obstacles that occur to create more optimal service, namely public satisfaction with the services provided.
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