Improving Shuttlecock Product and Brand Management for Shuttlecock Entrepreneurs and Craftsmen in Nglaban Village and Sumengko, Nganjuk Regency

Keywords: Management, Brand, Product, Shuttlecock Entrepreneur


Community service activities regarding shuttlecock products and brand
management for shuttlecock entrepreneurs and craftspeople in Nganjuk
Regency have the aim of providing more in-depth information about
shuttlecock products and brands in order to improve marketing and also to
advance the economy of the surrounding community. The method used is
offline socialization regarding product management and shuttlecock brands
using PowerPoint tools and learning modules. The community service team
uses projectors, laptops, mics, outreach materials, and documentation tools
as tools and materials. The socialization material contains an explanation of
the quality, materials, and technology used. Not only that, but an explanation
was also given regarding how to manage patents and brands when labeling
products. The output of this activity is that entrepreneurs and shuttlecock
craftspeople are better able to market their own products, which already have
brands and patents. Apart from that, this activity is also beneficial for the
surrounding community by improving the economy.


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How to Cite
Triardhana, Y. (2023). Improving Shuttlecock Product and Brand Management for Shuttlecock Entrepreneurs and Craftsmen in Nglaban Village and Sumengko, Nganjuk Regency. Journal of Sport Moovera (JSM), 1(1), 33-37. Retrieved from
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