The Improving Ability to Know The Concept of Number Through Number Rods Media in Group A

  • iriyanti iriyanti universitas negeri surabaya
  • Melia Dwi Widayanti State University of Surabaya


This study aims to improve the ability to recognize the concept of numbers through the use of number rods in Group A TK Dharma Wanita Association Bohar Sidoarjo children with a class action research type. This study uses the Kemmis and Mc Taggart research model. The research subjects were 17 children consisting of 6 boys and 11 girls. The object of research is the ability to recognize the concept of numbers through the use of number rods as media. The data collection technique used is an observation technique using an observation sheet as an observation guide instrument. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively. The results showed that there was an increase in the ability to recognize the concept of numbers through the use of the number rods media in Group A children at the Dharma Wanita Association Kindergarten, Bohar Sidoarjo. Pre-action observation results show that the ability to recognize the concept of numbers in children reaches 47% in the Fairly Good category, in Cycle I it increases to 72.5% in the Good category and again increases in Cycle II to 88.2% in the Very Good category.

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