the role of fathers in parenting The Role of Father's in Parenting and Self-Concept of Children's Independence
peran ayah dalam pengasuhan dan konsep diri terhadap kemandirian anak
Social-emotional development is a process of development in children's abilities that aims to adapt to the wider social world. Parenting is a way for parents to raise their children. The role of fathers in parenting will shape a child's positive social intelligence. The purpose of this study is to find out the role of fathers in parenting and self-concept on children's independence. This study uses type of quantitative approach with survey methods. The sample of this study is children aged 4-6 years in the Greater Surabaya industrial area with a total of 400 children. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. Data analysis uses SPSS 25 for hypothesis testing and research instruments. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the role of fathers in parenting on children's independence. This is shown by the Sig. value from the results of the correlation test of 0.000 < 0.05. The importance of fathers to spend time with children can minimize the low level of self-concept and independence of children. The independence that children have can help children when they enter the next level of education.
Keyword : The Role of Fathers in Parenting, Self-concept, Independence, Early Childhood