• Rizki Amalia Nurmalitasari
  • Husni Abdullah


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya motivasi belajar pada anak di kelompok B TK Istana Balita Surabaya. Hal ini terlihat dari sikap anak yang gaduh dan kurang bersemangat dalam bersaing untuk mendapatkan nilai baik saat kegiatan di kelas karena anak tidak pernah diberikan reward. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan motivasi belajar anak pada saat kegiatan di kelas khususnya di kelompok B TK Istana Balita dengan menggunakan reward kartu bergambar. Penelitian ini menggunakan Quasi Experimental Design. Subyek penelitian ini berjumlah 22 anak. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik non-parametrik uji wilcoxon match pairs test, dengan rumus Thitung < Ttabel. Jika Thitung< Ttabel, maka penelitian ini signifikan adanya pengaruh antara 2 variabel. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, didapatkan nilai Uji statistik dari perhitungan Ttabel Wilcoxon Matched Pairs diperoleh hasil Thitung = 0 dan Ttabel= 66, Thitung < Ttabel (0 < 66) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa reward kartu bergambar berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar anak di Kelompok B TK Istana Balita Surabaya.

Kata Kunci: Reward, Kartu Bergambar, Motivasi Belajar.


This research is motivated by the influence of picture cards rewards on motivation to learn kindergarten children Istana Balita in group B Palace Surabaya . On activities in the classroom , less applicable in this kindergarten existence of the reward system, resulting in less visible activities in classroom motivation within each child in activities . Lack of motivation in the child here seen from the attitude of rowdy children and lack of competitive spirit in the conduct of activities to get a good value . The provision is expected to reward or motivate the child in activities in the classroom , due to the presence of reward -motivated kid will surely raise the motivation of the other children in learning to competing for the award . The purpose of this study is to develop a child's motivation in classroom activities using picture cards reward . This study used a research design time series design which is a form of research Quasi Experimental Design . Data collection methods used researcher is participant observation and documentation . The subjects of this study were 22 children . The data obtained in the field were analyzed using statistical data analysis techniques using non - parametric Wilcoxon matched pairs test trials, with the formula of t < t table . If tcount < t table , then this research significantly influence between two variable . Results and discussion of research suggests that there are differences in the level of motivation of the child before treatment is given after the reward given picture cards and picture cards reward . Based on observations by researchers in group B Istana Balita Palace Surabaya , the value of a statistical test of Wilcoxon Matched Pairs ttable calculation results obtained t count = 0 and table = 66 , because of t < t table ( 0 < 66 ) then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted . It can be concluded that the picture card rewards affect children's learning motivation in Group B Istana Balita Palace Surabaya .

Key word: Picture Cards, Reward, Motivation to learn.

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