• Ninik Yuliani
  • Rachma Hasibuan


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kemampuan motorik halus anak terutama pada kegiatan mewarnai gambar di Kelompok Bermain Ceria Gondang Mojokerto yang masih relatif  rendah. Dari 25 anak hanya 5 anak saja yang mampu mengkoordinasikan mata dan jari-jari tangan untuk memegang benda kecil sehingga dalam mewarnai gambar hasilnya merata dan tidak keluar garis, sedangkan 20 anak yang lain masih mengalami kesulitan dalam memegang benda kecil untuk mewarnai gambar. Selama ini kegiatan  mewarnai gambar hanya menggunakan krayon dan pensil warna saja, sehingga anak merasa jenuh. Diperlukannya media yang berbeda yaitu media cat air agar anak lebih tertarik dalam melakukan kegiatan mewarnai gambar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru, aktivitas anak, dan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui kegiatan mewarnai gambar dengan media cat air di Kelompok Bermain Ceria Gondang Mojokerto.

Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam bentuk siklus. Setiap siklusnya terdiri dari : perencanaan,  pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah anak didik di Kelompok Bermain Ceria Gondang Mojokerto yang berjumlah 25 anak didik, yang terdiri dari 13 anak laki-laki dan 12 anak perempuan. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang dipakai adalah observasi, sedangkan  tehnik  analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif.

Berdasarkan hasil data penelitian pada siklus I diperoleh data kemampuan motorik halus anak sebesar 60%. Hal ini menunjukkan penelitian ini belum berhasil karena belum mencapai kriteria keberhasilan yaitu  76%, maka penelitian ini berlanjut  pada siklus II. Pada siklus II diperoleh data kemampuan motorik halus anak sebesar 86%. Berdasarkan hasil dari analisis data siklus II maka penelitian ini dinyatakan berhasil dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui kegiatan mewarnai gambar dengan media cat air dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus pada anak di Kelompok Bermain Ceria Gondang.


Kata Kunci : Kemampuan, motorik halus, mewarnai gambar, cat air



The background of the current study is the relatively low fine motor skill possessed by children of KelompokBermain Ceria GondangMojokerto, especially during picture coloring activity. From 25 children who were in the class, there were only 5 children performed the ability of coordinating their eyes and fingers to grab small objects in order to color the picture neatly. As for the other 20 children, they were still having difficulties to hold small items used to color the pictures. Before the study took place, picture coloring activities had only utilized crayons and pencil colors, which caused boredom in children’s part. Recognizing this boredom, the activity needs a different media to attract the children’s interest into it. Hence, the purpose of the study is to describe both teacher’s and children’s activities as well as improve the children’s fine motor skills through the picture coloring activities by using watercolor paint media at KelompokBermain Ceria GondangMojokerto.

In line with the purpose of the study, the current study was designed as a classroom action research which was carried out in cycles. In which each cycle has its own planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting stages. The subjects of this study were 25 students of KelompokBermain Ceria GondangMojokerto. Out of those 25 students, there were 13 boys and 12 girls. In the meantime, to collect the data of the study, this study used the observation technique. And the data then analyzed by using the descriptive statistics.

Based on the data collected in cycle I, it was found that the children’s fine motor skills reached 60%. For this result, the study was declared as temporarily unsuccessful in attaining its success criteria which was marked 76% by percentage. Therefore the study was continued to cycle II. However, in cycle II, the study found that the data on children’s fine motor skills was marked 86% in percentage.  Eventually, based on the last result obtained from the data in cycle II, the study was declared as having successfully achieved its purpose. Also, it can be concluded that the picture coloring activity by using watercolor paint media helps improve fine motor skills of children at Kelompok Bermain Ceria Gondang.

Key Words: Fine, motor skills, picture coloring activity, watercolor paint


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