
Abstrak Kosakata mengambil peran penting dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa.Menyalin definisi dari kamus mungkin bukan cara yang efektif untuk belajar kosa kata.Mereka perlu juga untuk mempelajari kata-kata dalam konteks, tidak berdiri sendiri. Cara mereka mempelajari kata-kata dalam konteks adalah dengan membaca. Dalam hal ini, bahan penelitian adalah membaca teks deskriptif. Salah satu variasi dalam mengajar kosakata bahasa Inggris adalah dengan menggunakan permainan. Salah satu permainan yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran kosakata adalah permainan "word puzzle". Kata-kata dalam permainan puzzle dapat memberikan banyak kesenangan untuk anak-anak dan juga membangun kreativitas mereka. Isi dari permainan puzzle kata harus terkait dengan topik teks.Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, penulis mencoba melakukan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan penerapan permainan word puzzle untuk mempelajari kosa kata dalam teks deskriptif.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain kualitatif. Peneliti mengamati kegiatan di kelas sementara proses belajar mengajar terjadi. Data dari penelitian ini berasal dari hasil pengamatan yang diperoleh melalui lembar observasi dan catatan lapangan, dan juga berasal dari hasil wawancara. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengamati kegiatan selama proses belajar mengajar di kelas dan juga mewawancarai siswa guru dan siswa, dan opini guru setelah diajarkan menggunakan puzzle permainan kata.Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa guru mampu menyampaikan materi yang lebih jelas dengan menggunakan kata permainan puzzle. Dari hasil wawancara ditemukan bahwa siswa menikmati proses belajar mengajar. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan kata permainan puzzle berhasil membantu siswa dalam penguasaan kosakata untuk memahami teks deskriptif. Kata Kunci: Kosa Kata, Aktivitas Membaca, Teks Deskriptif, Permainan Word Puzzle Abstract Vocabulary takes an important role in the process of language learning. Copying definitions from the dictionary probably is not an effective way to learn vocabulary. The students need multiple and various exposures to a word before they fully understand that word and can apply it. They need also to learn words in context, not stand alone lists. The way they learn words in context is by reading. In this case, the material of the study is reading descriptive text. One of the variations in teaching English vocabulary is by using games. One of games which can be used in teaching-learning vocabulary is "word puzzle" game. Word puzzle game can gives a lot of fun for young learners and also create their creativity. The content of the word puzzle game should related to the topic of the text. Based on explanation above, the writer tries to conduct a descriptive qualitative research by the implementation of word puzzle game to the vocabulary in the descriptive text. This study was conducted using qualitative design. The researcher observed the activities in the classroom while teaching and learning process happened. The data of the study came from the result of observation that was obtained through observation sheet and field notes, and also came from the result of interview. The data were collected by observing the teacher’s and students’ activities during the teaching learning process in the classroom and also interviewing the students’ and teacher’s opinions after being taught using word puzzle game.The results of observation showed that the teacher were able to deliver the material more clearly by using word puzzle game. From the results of interview found that the students were enjoy in joining the lesson. Thus, the implementation of word puzzle game had improved the students’ vocabulary mastery in understanding descriptive text. Keyword: Vocabulary, Reading Activity, Descriptive Text, Word Puzzle Game
How to Cite
RAHAYU ARINTA, S. (2015). TEACHING ADJECTIVE AND NOUN VOCABULARIES IN THE DESCRIPTIVE TEXT THROUGH WORD PUZZLE GAME TO THE FIFTH GRADERS OF SD AL FATAH SURABAYA. RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 3(2). Retrieved from https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/retain/article/view/12390
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