The Implementation of Project Based Learning Using English Illustration Video to Teach Speaking of Recount Text for Senior High School



AbstrakDikarenakan berbicara adalah salah satu kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa, Project Based Learning dapat menjadi alternatif model pembelajaran untuk mengajarkan kemampuan berbiara pada level sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi penerapan dari Project Based Learning yang dilakukan di kelas 10 SMAN 1 Cerme. Penelitian ini pun berfokus tidak hanya pada deskripsi hasil atau produk dari para siswa, namun juga fokus pada beberapa hal yang terjadi di setiap proses tahapan dalam penerapan Project Based Learning. Penelitian ini didesain secara kualitatif dalam mengamati 36 siswa kelas 10 dan seorang guru bahasa Inggris SMA di kota Gresik. Peneliti mendapatkan data melalui lembar observasi dan field note. Rubrik yang telah diadaptasi juga digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan produk siswa. Hasil dari evaluasi guru menunjukkan bahwa guru sudah mengimplementasikan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning dengan tahapan yang tepat. Disamping itu, dari ke enam grup yang terbentuk, merekamemiliki hasil yang berbeda satu sama lain. Hanya dua dari enam grup yang memiliki hasil di bawah rata-rata. Hal ini dapat dinilai dari deskripsi produk video mereka.Kata Kunci: Project Based Learning, Kemampuan berbicara, Teks Recount AbstractSince speaking is one of the skills which needs to be mastered by the students, Project Based Learning can be an alternative learning model to teach speaking in Senior High School. This study aims to explore the implementation of Project Based Learning conducted at the first grade class of SMAN 1 Cerme. Moreover, this research also concerns on describing about the result or the outcome of the project. This study was designed qualitatively in observing 36 tenth graders and an English teacher of a senior high school in Gresik. The researcher gained the data through observation checklist and field note. The adapted rubric was also used to get the final score to justify the students’ product. The result from teachers’ evaluation showed the teacher already implemented PBL in an appropriate stage. Moreover, among six groups of the students, their projects have different result one another. Only two among six groups that have the result project below the average. It was judged and justified by describing their product of the Illustration video project.Keywords: Speaking Skill, Tourism Department, Project Based Learning, Narrative Text
How to Cite
DAMAYANTI, N. (2018). The Implementation of Project Based Learning Using English Illustration Video to Teach Speaking of Recount Text for Senior High School. RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 6(2). Retrieved from
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