An Analysis of Students’ Error in Writing Interpersonal Text in The Eighth Graders of SMPN 2 Lamongan



AbstrakDalam penelitian ini, peneliti bertujuan untuk menemukan error yang terjadi di teks interpersonalnya siswa dan juga penyebab yang mendasari terjadinya error. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dalam mengumpulkan data yang menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Dan hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa masih memiliki masalah serius dalam menulis teks interpersonal dalam kasus struktur gramatikal. Empat jenis kesalahan yang terlibat, yaitu omission, addition, mis-formation, dan mis-ordering. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa siswa sering melakukan mis-formation. Selain itu, penyebab kesalahan yang dilakukan juga diperoleh dari tiga faktor yang mendasari kesalahan ini yaitu carelessness, first language interference, dan translation. Maka, itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa kesalahan yang paling sering terjadi dalam rancangan teks interpersonal siswa adalah mis-formation. Sementara itu, carelessness menjadi faktor yang sering dilakukan oleh siswa ketika melakukan error.
Kata Kunci: Analisis Kesalahan, Kesalahan Siswa, Menulis, Naskah, Teks Interpersonal AbstractIn this study, the researcher aims to find out the errors occurred in the students’ interpersonal text and also the causes which underlie the errors committed. This study used qualitative research in collecting the data answering the research questions. And the result of this study shows that the students still have a serious problem in writing an interpersonal text in the case of grammatical structure. Four types of error were involved, those were omission, addition, mis-formation, and mis-ordering. The result shows that students high frequently committed mis-formation. Moreover, the causes of errors committed were also obtained from three factors which underlie these errors which are carelessness, first language interference, and translation. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the most frequent error in the students’ interpersonal text drafts is mis-formation. While, carelessness becomes the most frequent caused by the students when committing errors.
Keywords: Error Analysis, Students’ Error, Writing, Draft, Interpersonal text.
How to Cite
RAHMAN RINATA, A. (2018). An Analysis of Students’ Error in Writing Interpersonal Text in The Eighth Graders of SMPN 2 Lamongan. RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 6(3). Retrieved from
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