The Implementation of Project Based Learning in Teaching Writing Recount Text to The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Khadijah 2 Surabaya



AbstrakAda beberapa faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan oleh guru dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris. Salah satunya berhubungan dengan usia pelajar. Penelitian ini berfokus pada siswa kelas delapan yang dikategorikan sebagai remaja. Para guru harus mempunyai metode yang sesuai dalam mengajari mereka. Berdasarkan kurikulum, ada beberapa jenis teks yang dipelajari oleh siswa kelas delapan. Salah satunya adalah teks recount. Untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, ada beberapa metode yang disarankan dalam kurikulum terbaru. Salah satunya adalah Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dalam mengajar menulis teks recount kepada siswa kelas delapan, mendeskripsikan hasil tulisan siswa setelah penerapan metode tersebut, dan mendeskripsikan respon siswa setelah penerapan metode tersebut. Peneliti melakukan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan menganalisa datanya secara kualitatif. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari tiga instrumen : lembar pengamatan, tugas siswa, dan kuesioner. Berdasarkan data tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dapat diterapkan dengan baik di dalam kelas oleh guru dan sesuai untuk mengajar menulis teks recount kepada siswa kelas delapan, tulisan siswa menjadi lebih baik setelah penerapan metode tersebut, dan siswa memberi respon positif terhadap metode tersebut. Secara keseluruhan, Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek memberikan manfaat dan membantu para siswa karena mereka tidak hanya memahami materi, tetapi juga membangun kemampuan berkolaborasi.
Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek, Menulis, Teks Recount, Siswa Kelas Delapan
AbstractThere are some factors that should be considered by the teacher in teaching English. One of them is dealing with the learner age. This research focuses on the eighth grade students who are categorized as teenager. The teacher should have suitable methods in teaching them. Based on the curriculum, there are several kinds of text genres learnt by the eighth grade students. One of them is recount text. To gain the learning objectives, there are some methods suggested in the newest curriculum. One of them is Project Based Learning (PBL). Therefore, this research aimed to describe the implementation of PBL in teaching writing recount text to the eighth grade students of Junior High School, to describe the result of the students’ writings after the implementation of PBL, and to describe the students’ responses after the implementation of PBL. The researcher conducted a descriptive qualitative research and anlyzed the data qualitatively. The data were collected from three instruments : observation checklist, student task, and questionnaire. Based on the data, it could be known that PBL could be well implemented in the classroom by the teacher and suitable for teaching writing recount text to the eighth grade students, the students’ writings were getting better after the implementation of PBL, and the students gave positive responses towards PBL. Overall, PBL was beneficial and helpful for the students because they not only understood the materials, but also built their collaborative skill.
Keywords : Project Based Learning, Writing, Recount Text, Eight Grade Students
How to Cite
WAHYU SETYORINI, D. (2019). The Implementation of Project Based Learning in Teaching Writing Recount Text to The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Khadijah 2 Surabaya. RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 7(1). Retrieved from
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