Indonesian Tenth Graders’ L2 Motivational Self System: In Relation to L2 Anxiety and School Location




Untuk mencapai tujuan sebagai pelajar, motivasi diperlukan. Namun, ada beberapa faktor yang bisa mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa, yakni yang kecemasan dan lingkungan mereka. Dengan menerapkan teori bernama L2 Motivational Self System, penelitian ini mencoba untuk meneliti hubungan antara L2 motivational self system siswa kelas X (sepuluh) terhadap kecemasan mereka dan lokasi sekolah. Penelitian ini melibatkan 134 siswa di Surabaya dan Ponorogo. Satu set kuesioner digunakan sebagai instrumen. Data dianalisis pada SPSS Statistics 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama proses pembelajaran, siswa kota (M = 4.22) cenderung merasa lebih cemas daripada siswa di daerah pedesaan (M = 4.05). Perhitungan Independent Samples T-Test menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam skor bagi siswa di daerah perkotaan (M = 4.38, SD = 0,65) dan pedesaan (M = 4,04, SD = 0,72); t (132) = 2,83, p <0,05. Dengan tingkat perbedaan yang sedang (eta squared = 0,06). Ini berarti bahwa L2 motivational self system cukup mempengaruhi pemahaman bahasa siswa kelas X di daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan. Selanjutnya, hasil perhitungan menggunakan Pearson product moment menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif tetapi lemah antara L2 motivational self system siswa kota terhadap rasa cemas (r = 0,259, n = 67, p < 0,05). Hubungan yang sama juga terjadi pada siswa di pedesaan (r = 0,213, n = 67, p > 0,05). Temuan menunjukkan bahwa, L2 motivational self system memberikan dampak yang kecil pada rasa cemas yang dirasakan oleh siswa di kota dan desa selama proses belajar.

Kata Kunci: L2 Motivational Self System, Motivasi, Kecemasan, Kelas Sepuluh, Sekolah Desa, Sekolah Kota


To reach the goal as a learner, motivation is needed. Yet, there are some factors that might affect students’ motivation which is anxiousness and their environment. Applying a theory named L2 Motivational Self System, this research tried to examine the correlation between students’ L2 motivational self-system toward their anxiety and school location. This research involved 134 students in Surabaya and Ponorogo. A set of questionnaire was used as the instrument. The data was analyzed on SPSS Statistics 20. The result showed that during the learning process, urban tenth graders (M = 4.22) tend to feel more anxious than tenth graders in a rural area (M = 4.05). The calculation of Independent Samples T-Test showed that there was a significant difference in scores for students in urban (M = 4.38, SD = .65) and rural area (M = 4.04, SD =.72); t (132) = 2.83, p < .05. The magnitude of the differences in the means was moderate (eta squared = .06). It means that L2 motivational self-system quite influence tenth graders’ L2 acquisition in an urban and rural area. Furthermore, the result of Pearson product-moment calculation showed that there was a positive but small relationship between urban students’ L2 motivational self-system and L2 anxiety (r = .259, n= 67, p < .05). The result was the same for rural students (r = .213, n= 67, p > .05). The findings indicate that L2 motivational self-system gives small impact on both urban and rural students’ L2 anxiety.

Keywords: L2 Motivational Self System, Motivation, Anxiety, Tenth Graders, Urban School, Rural School

How to Cite
ZANSABIL, K. (2019). Indonesian Tenth Graders’ L2 Motivational Self System: In Relation to L2 Anxiety and School Location. RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 7(2). Retrieved from
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