The Implementation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning to Teach Listening of Report Text to the Tenth Graders




Kegunaan komputer sebagai media untuk mengajar mendengar memberikan dampak positif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mendengar siswa. Beberapa peneliti tidak sependapat karena penelitian mereka menunjukkan hal yang bertentangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana guru bahasa Inggris menerapkan Pengajaran Bahasa Berbantuan Komputer (PBBK), dan masalah yang dihadapi guru. Model penelitian ini adalah studi interpretatif dasar. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah catatan lapangan dan wawancara semi terstruktur. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMAN 3 Kota Mojokerto dengan guru bahasa Inggris sebagai subyek. Studi menunjukkan bahwa guru mengajar mendengar teks report dalam tiga tahap; pra mengajar, saat mengajar, dan pasca mengajar. Pada saat mengajar, guru menerapkan PBBK dalam tiga langkah; mengamati, membina, dan mempraktekkan. PBBK digunakan sebagai media untuk membantu guru dalam setiap fase di saat mengajar, seperti memberikan materi dan memberikan masukan. Masalah guru dalam pengajaran mendengar dengan PBBK sebagian besar merupakan masalah teknis.

Kata Kunci: komputer berbantuan, mendengar, teks report.


The use of a computer to teach listening gives positive impact in improving students listening skills. Some researchers do not agree because their researches show the opposite result. This research aimed to find how EFL teacher implement Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), and the problems faced by the teacher. The design of this research is a basic interpretive study. The instruments were field notes and interview guideline in semi-structured form. The research was conducted in SMAN 3 Kota Mojokerto with the English teacher as the subject. From the study, it showed that the teacher taught listening of report text in three stages; pre-teaching, whilst-teaching, and post-teaching. In whilst-teaching, teacher implemented CALL in three steps; observing, coaching, and practising. CALL was used as media to assist a teacher in every phase in whilst-teaching, such as giving material and giving feedback. The problems faced by the teacher in teaching listening using CALL was mainly technically a problem.

Keywords: CALL, computer-assisted, listening, report text
How to Cite
WILDAN AL FUTUHI, M. (2020). The Implementation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning to Teach Listening of Report Text to the Tenth Graders. RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 8(1). Retrieved from
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