The Influence of Teacher’s Questioning On Classroom Interaction in Intensive Reading Classroom




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meniliti seberapa jauh pengaruh pertanyaan guru terhadap interaksi kelas di kelas membaca intensif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun subjek dari studi ini adalah satu guru yang mengajar kelas membaca intensif dan siswa di kelas membaca intensif. Data utama dari studi ini berupa pertanyaan guru beserta interaksi yang terjadi antara guru dan siswa secara individu, guru dan kelompok siswa, serta interaksi antara siswa dan kelompok siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis pertanyaan guru tingkat rendah dan tinggi sangat berpengaruh terhadap interaksi di dalam kelas. Jenis pertanyaan tersebut dapat menambah interaksi antara guru dengan seluruh siswa, guru dengan siswa secara individu, dan siswa dengan kelompok siswa. Demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertanyaan guru berperan penting dan berpengaruh didalam proses pembelajaran didalam kelas membaca intensif.

Kata Kunci: Pertanyaan Guru, Membaca Intensif, Interaksi Kelas..


Teaching This study aimed to investigate the extent of the influence of teacher’s questioning on classroom interaction in intensive reading classroom. This study used qualitative as the research design. The subjects of the study were a teacher who teaches reading and students in intensive reading classroom. The main data were teacher’s questioning types and the interaction between teacher to a student, teacher to whole students, and student to students. It collected through observation in intensive reading classroom. The result of the study showed that both lower and higher cognitive questions can strongly influence classroom interaction. Those questions can strengthen the interaction between teacher to whole students, teacher to a student and student to students. Therefore, it can be concluded that both of teacher’s questioning played a great role and impacted the teaching and learning process in intensive reading classroom.

Keywords: Teacher’s Questioning, Intensive Reading, Classroom Interaction.

How to Cite
PRAMUDITA DEWI, D. (2020). The Influence of Teacher’s Questioning On Classroom Interaction in Intensive Reading Classroom. RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 8(1). Retrieved from
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