Error Analysis in the Use of Personal Pronouns Made by Eleventh Graders in Writing



Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis serta penyebab-penyebab kesalahan penggunaan personal pronouns oleh siswa kelas sebelas dalam sebuah karangan. Tigapuluh empat siswa kelas sebelas dari SMAN 11 Surabaya merupakan peserta dari penelitian ini. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini karena peneliti menganalisa dan menjelaskan kesalahan dalam penggunaan personal pronouns berdasarkan teori dari Dulay (1982) dan Richard (1974). Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa sebagian besar jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan yaitu misformation. Kesalahan jenis ini sebagian besar disebabkan oleh incomplete application of rule. Mereka tidak dapat mengubah bentuk personal pronouns dalam penulisan karangan.

Kata kunci: kesalahan, penulisan personal pronouns, kelas sebelas.



The study was aimed at finding the types and possible causes of the personal pronoun errors made by Eleventh graders in their composition.   Thirty four Eleventh graders of SMAN 11 Surabaya students were the participants of the study. Qualitative approach was used in  this study, the researcher analyzed and described the error of the use of personal pronouns based on the theory of Dulay (1982) and Richard (1974).The results of the study was that the most error found in the students’ writing was misformation error. The error of misformation was mostly due to incomplete application of rule. They were unable to use the changing form of personal pronouns in writing.

Key words: errors, writing Personal pronouns, Eleventh graders.


How to Cite
WIJAYANTO, A. (2013). Error Analysis in the Use of Personal Pronouns Made by Eleventh Graders in Writing. RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 1(3). Retrieved from
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