
Geografi merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang mempersoalkan hubungan/interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan dalam konteks keruangan. Penguasaan konsep dasar geografi tidak dapat disamakan dengan sekedar mengetahui definisi geografi, tetapi juga harus menguasai terapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kajian geografi bersifat keruangan. Dalam membicarakan setiap masalah, geografi selalu mengkaitkan obyek pembicaraannya dengan aspek-aspek ruang. Seorang pendidik geografi dituntut untuk mengetahui secara kritis aspek-aspek ruang apa saja yang terkait dengan permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi. Sebagai calon-calon pengajar yang bertanggung jawab terhadap pengembangan bidang studi geografi, menguasai konsep dasar geografi sangatlah penting. Penguasaan konsep dasar geografi sangat dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang pembelajar yang bersangkutan. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui perbedaan penguasaan konsep dasar geografi antara mahasiswa yang berlatar IPA dan IPS di Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi S1 2010. Penelitian ini dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah seluruh mahasiswa geografi S1 2010 yang berjumlah 92 orang, dengan latar belakang IPA berjumlah 33 dan IPS 59 orang. Peneliti memilih mahasiswa S1 2010 sebagai subjek penelitian karena mahasiswa tersebut secara umum sedang intensif menerima mata kuliah geografi, yang berarti sedang intensif mengalami proses pembinaan penguasaan konsep dasar geografi. Setiap mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menjawab pertanyaan dari angket penelitian berdasarkan Taksonomi Bloom yang memiliki tingkatan dari C1 hingga C6. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa dari program studi IPA, jumlah prosentase kategori paham sebanyak 12 dari 33 mahasiswa (36 %) sedangkan prosentase kategori kurang paham sebanyak 21 dari 33 mahasiswa (64%). Sedangkan dari program studi IPS prosentase kategori paham sebanyak 20 dari 59 mahasiswa (34%) dan prosentase kategori kurang paham sebanyak 39 dari 59 mahasiswa (66%). Kesulitan penguasaan konsep dasar geografi mahasiswa IPA terjadi pada soal-soal evaluasi/C6, dan kemudahan menjawab pada soal-soal penerapan/C3. Sedangkan pada mahasiswa IPS kesulitan penguasaan konsep dasar geografi pada soal-soal evaluasi/C6, dan kemudahan menjawab pada soal-soal penerapan/C3. Sesuai hasil penjelasan tersebut ditunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang berarti antara mahasiswa berlatar belakang IPA dan IPS dalam penguasaan konsep dasar geografi. Dari kesimpulan tersebut, diharapkan bahwa pengajar lebih banyak lagi memberikan contoh-contoh penguasaan konsep dasar geografi secara kontekstual atau nyata dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kata Kunci : Konsep dasar geografi, IPA / IPS, Penguasaan konsep.
Geography is a science that questioned the relationship/human interaction with the environment in the context of spatial. Mastery of basic concepts of geography cannot be equated with simply knowing the definition of geography, but also have to master terapannya in everyday life. The study of geography is keruangan. In discussing any issue, geography always associate the object of his talk with the aspects of space. An educator's geography is required to know the critical aspects of any space-related problems that are being encountered. Teaching candidates who are responsible for the development of the field of study geography, master the basic concepts of geography is important. Mastery of basic concepts of geography is influenced by the background of the learners concerned. This research would like to know the difference between the basic concept mastery geography student who set the IPA and the IPS on the geography Degree student force. This research analyzed by quantitative descriptive. The subjects of the research are all students of geography Undergraduate 2010 totalling 92 people, against a background of EXACTA 33 and NON EXACTA 59 people. Researchers selected undergraduate students 2010 as the subject for the students in general are currently receiving intensive courses in geography, which means it is being intensively experience the process of coaching mastery of basic concepts of geography. Each student is expected to answer questions from the now research based on Bloom's Taxonomy that has a level of C1 to C6. Results of analysis showed that the students of the course, the total percentage of IPA category after as many as 12 of the 33 students (36%) while the percentage of category less savvy as much as 21 out of 33 students (64%). While of course the number of percentage categories, IPS understand as many as 20 of the 60 students (34%) and the number of less familiar category percentage of as much as 39 of 59 students (66%). Difficulty mastering the basic concept of geography students IPA occurred in a matter of an evaluation/C6, and ease of application of question answering/C3. While at student mastery of basic concepts, IPS difficulty geography question evaluation/C6, and ease of application of question answering/C3. According to the explanation of the results indicated that there is no difference in meaning between students backgrounds IPA and IPS in the mastery of basic concepts of geography. From the conclusion, it is hoped that teachers should give more examples of mastery of basic concepts in the real location in everyday life.
Keywords: basic concepts of geography, IPA/IPS, mastery of the concepts.

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