• Rizki Novita Sari Unesa
  • Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd. Unesa



Permasalahan mata pelajaran geografi di kelas XI IPS SMAN 1 Bangkalan adalah nilai hasil belajar siswa yang masih banyak dibawah KKM. Hasil ulangan harian geografi diperoleh persentase nilai rata-rata ketuntasan kelas XI IPS 1 sebesar 60%, kelas XI IPS 2 sebesar 59%, dan kelas XI IPS 3 sebesar 55%. Media pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh guru pada materi mitigasi bencana kurang efektif. Permasalahan tersebut membuat peneliti melakukan pengembangan media pembelajaran game monopoli interaktif berbasis QR Code materi mitigasi bencana untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui 1) kelayakan media. 2) aktivitas siswa, 3) aktivitas guru, 4) hasil belajar, 5) respon siswa.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model ASSURE. Subjek penelitian ini peserta didik kelas XI IPS 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI IPS 2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi Experimental Design dengan tipe Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu angket, observasi dan tes.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) validasi media mendapatkan persentase sebesar 96% dikategorikan “sangat baik” dan validasi materi mendapat persentase sebesar 80% dikategorikan “baik”, 2) aktivitas siswa menggunakan media pembelajaran game monopoli interaktif berbasis QR Code pada pertemuan pertama 87,6% dan pertemuan kedua 96,4% dikategorikan “sangat baik” 3) aktivitas guru dalam menerapkan media pembelajaran game monopoli interaktif berbasis QR Code pada pertemuan pertama 89,2% dan pertemuan kedua 98,5% dikategorikan “sangat baik”, 4) penggunaan media pembelajaran game monopoli interaktif berbasis QR Code mendapat respon peserta didik “sangat layak” dengan persentase sebesar 99,5%, 5) hasil belajar siswa dianalisis menggunakan uji independent sample T test memperoleh Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,002 sehingga (p<α) menunjukkan ada perbedaan nilai posttest antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol.

Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Monopoli, QR Code, ASSURE, Mitigasi Bencana



The problem of geography subjects in class XI IPS (social studies) at SMAN 1 Bangkalan is the value of student learning outcomes which are still many of them under KKM (Minimum Master Criteria). The results of the daily test in geography obtained the average percentage score of the completion from class XI IPS 1 by 60%, class XI IPS 2 by 59%, and class XI IPS 3 by 55%. In addition, the learning media applied by teachers to disaster mitigation materials are less effective. This problem made the researcher develop an interactive monopoly game learning media based on QR Codes for disaster mitigation materials to improve learning outcomes. The purposes of this study are to determine 1) the feasibility of the media. 2) student activities, 3) teacher activities, 4) learning outcomes, and 5) student responses.

This research is the development research using the ASSURE model. The subjects of this study were students of class XI IPS 1 as an experimental class and class XI IPS 2 as a control class. The research design used Quasi-Experimental Design with a Nonequivalent Control Group Design type.  The data collection methods used are questionnaires, observations, and tests.

The results showed that 1) media validation got a percentage of 96% categorized as "very good," and material validation with a percentage of 80% categorized as "good,” 2) student activities using QR code-based interactive monopoly game learning media at the first meeting 87.6% and the second meeting 96.4% categorized as "very good" 3) teacher activity in applying game learning media using  QR Code-based interactive monopoly at the first meeting 89.2% and the second meeting 98.5% were categorized as "excellent,” 4) the use of  QR Code-based interactive monopoly game learning media received a "very decent" learner response with a percentage of 99.5%, 5) Student learning outcomes were analyzed using an independent sample T test obtaining a Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.002, so that (p < α) indicates a difference in post-test values between the experimental and control classes.

Keywords: Learning Media, Monopoly, QR Code, ASSURE, Disaster Mitigation

Abstract Views: 321