Kajian Geografis Terhadap Keberadaan Eduwisata Lontar Sewu Di Desa Hendrosari Kecamatan Menganti Kabupaten Gresik

Geographical Study of the Existence of Lontar Sewu Edutourism in Hendrosari Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency

  • Dhevi Eka Ramadhiani UNESA
  • Aida Kurniawati UNESA



Eduwisata Lontar Sewu merupakan suatu destinasi wisata yang menawarkan kombinasi antara rekreasi dan pendidikan. Tempat ini dibangun melalui Program Pilot Inkubasi Inovasi Desa yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah, dengan memanfaatkan potensi desa berupa pohon lontar sebagai objek wisata di Desa Hendrosari. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji potensi yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai daya tarik Eduwisata Lontar Sewu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner menggunakan skala Likert 4 poin serta wawancara dengan pengelola tempat tersebut. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan aksidental sampel untuk pengunjung dan purposive sample untuk pengelola Eduwisata Lontar Sewu.  Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Eduwisata Lontar Sewu memiliki potensi yang dapat dikembangkan dalam beberapa aspek. Pertama, dalam hal "what to see", tempat ini menawarkan lokasi yang menarik dan mudah dijangkau oleh pengunjung serta keindahan alam berupa pohon lontar. Selanjutnya, dalam aspek "what to do", terdapat 17 wahana atraksi yang menarik, fasilitas edukasi seperti Bioskop VR, dan juga mendukung para peneliti yang ingin melakukan riset di tempat tersebut. Tempat ini juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas olahraga. Selain itu, dalam aspek "what to buy", terdapat promosi melalui media sosial dan fasilitas pelayanan seperti toko oleh-oleh dan restoran. Aspek "what to arrive" juga terpenuhi dengan aksesibilitas jalan yang baik dan mudah, serta infrastruktur keamanan dan teknologi yang memadai. Terakhir, dalam aspek "what to stay", tersedia akomodasi berupa persewaan gedung.

Kata kunci: Eduwisata, Potensi, Daya Tarik, Lontar Sewu


Lontar Sewu Edutourism is a tourist destination that offers a combination of recreation and education. This place was built through the Village Innovation Incubation Pilot Program organized by the government, by utilizing the village's potential in the form of lontar trees as a tourist attraction in Hendrosari Village. The purpose of this research was conducted to examine the potential that could be developed as an attraction for Lontar Sewu Edutourism.The research method used is descriptive with a quantitative approach. Data were obtained through a questionnaire using a 4-point Likert scale and interviews with the manager of the place. The data collection technique used an accidental sample for visitors and a purposive sample for Lontar Sewu Edutourism managers. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively.The results of the study show that Lontar Sewu Edutourism has potential that can be developed in several aspects. First, in terms of "what to see", this place offers an attractive and easily accessible location for visitors as well as natural beauty in the form of lontar trees. Furthermore, in the "what to do" aspect, there are 17 interesting rides for attractions, educational facilities such as VR cinemas, and also supports researchers who want to do research in these places. This place is also equipped with sports facilities. In addition, in the "what to buy" aspect, there are promotions through social media and service facilities such as gift shops and restaurants. The "what to arrive" aspect is also fulfilled with good and easy road accessibility, as well as adequate safety and technology infrastructure. Finally, in the "what to stay" aspect, accommodation is available in the form of building rentals.

Keywords: Edutourism, Potential, Attraction, Lontar Sewu

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