
Keywords: speech acts, illocutionary, and drama. 

Language is a tool for interacting and communicating. It is used for expressing opinion, concept, or feeling. In communicating using language, there is speech act or in linguistics it is called pragmatic. Speech Act is an action which made by the speakers to the one they speech with. According to Yule (2006: 83), an action which produces speeches will contain three connected actions, such as; Locution, illocution, and perlokusi. From those three dimensions, the researcher wants to discuss it deeper in Illocution action, because every saying something, the speaker not only can create a good speech, but also has a purpose and function of what she/he has spoken. Speech act occur in the daily life, especially in a verbal communication and it can be reflected through literature creations, one of them is drama. Drama is a literature genre which shows the presence of the dialogue verbally or the conversation among the actors (Indarti: 2006 pg.44), so in this research the researcher wants to know the dialogues or the conversation which is done by Maria and the other actors in the story, concerned with the illocution in the drama conversation of Maria Stuart by Friedrich Schiller. Because of that reason, the title of this research is the Analysis of Mariah Sturart’s Speech Act Illocutionary in “MARIA STUART” drama By Friedrich Schiller.

The research problems of this study are 1. What types of speech act which is spoken by the actor Maria Stuart in the drama script of Maria Stuart by Friedrich Schiller. 2. What is the meaning of every illocution speech act which is spoken by the actor Maria Stuart in the drama script of Maria Stuart by Friedrich Schiller. The purpose of this study are to know the types of speech act which is spoken by the actor Maria Stuart in the drama script of Maria Stuart by Friedrich Schiller and describe the meaning of every illocution speech act which is spoken by the actor Maria Stuart in the drama script of Maria Stuart by Friedrich Schiller.

This research is qualitative and the methodology is content analysis methodology. The approach of this study is descriptive qualitative. The source data of this study is drama script of Maria Stuart by Friedrich Schiller which is firstly published in Weimar 1568, the page is 128. The data of this research is the conversations which contains of phrase, expression, and the sentences which is spoken by Maria to the one she speaks with.

It is found there are 87 asertif speech acts which mean expressing, giving testimony, admitting, and mentioning. Then, there are 53 direktif speech which mean asking, suggesting, and asking. In addition, there are 9 expressive speech acts which mean beefing and saying thanks, and also there are 5 komisif speech acts which show capability and 4 declaration speech act which mean forbidding and grouping

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