
The aim of this research is to develop a game-based computer that is feasible used as a learning media Atoms, Ions, and Molecules. This research uses the Research and Development method (R&D) which consists of: 1) preliminary study phase, includes the potential and problems, data collection; 2) development studies phase, includes product design, product validation, product revision, and product limited trial. The instrument used was a questionnaire review and validation of media, observation of student activity sheet, tests student learning outcomes, and student questionnaire responses. Objectives of this research were 15 students of Public Junior High School 22 Surabaya. Validation results indicate that the game is developed feasiblein terms of aspects of quality of content, presentation media, and the principle of educational games achieve the overall percentage of 89.07% with very valid category. The limited trial showed that the game is developed effective results in terms of student response to the overall percentage 95.61% categorized very good, supported by observation of student activity on every aspect. While the results of the t-test calculation obtained tvalue = 8.911 greater than ttable = 1.761, meaning that there are differences in average student achievement test between before and after using the game as a learning media. Overall results of the research above can be concluded that the game-based computer developed feasible, is used as a learning media Atoms, Ions, and Molecules, so product development as valid and effective.

Keywords: Games, Learning Media, Atoms, Ions, and Molecules.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan permainan bersaranakomputer yang layakdigunakan sebagai media pembelajaran Atom, Ion, dan Molekul.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) yang terdiri dari: 1)tahap studi pendahuluan, meliputipotensidanmasalah, pengumpulan data; 2) tahap studi pengembangan, meliputidesainproduk, validasiproduk, revisiproduk, danujicobaproduk. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket telaah dan validasi media, lembar observasi aktivitassiswa, tes hasil belajar siswa, danangket respon siswa. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah 15 siswa SMP Negeri 22 Surabaya.Hasilvalidasimenunjukkanbahwapermainan yang dikembangkanlayakditinjaudariaspekkualitasisi, penyajian media, danprinsip permainan pendidikan mencapai persentase keseluruhan 89,07% dengan kategorisangat valid. Hasil ujicoba terbatas menunjukkan bahwa permainan yang dikembangkanefektifditinjaudarihasilresponsiswadengan persentasekeseluruhan 95,61%dikatagorikansangatbaik, didukung oleh observasi aktivitassiswa pada setiap aspek. Sedangkan hasil perhitunganuji-t didapatkanthitung = 8,911 lebihbesardarittabel = 1,761, artinyaterdapatperbedaan rata-rata teshasilbelajarsiswaantarasebelumdan setelahmenggunakanpermainansebagai media pembelajaran. Secarakeseluruhanhasilpenelitian di atasdapatdisimpulkanbahwa permainanbersarana komputer yang dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaranAtom, Ion, dan Molekul, sehingga produk pengembangandikatakan valid danefektif.

Kata kunci: Permainan, Media Pembelajaran,Atom, Ion, dan Molekul.

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