Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Pengangguran Terhadap Kemiskinan Di Jawa Timur



Poverty can be identified with the level of prosperity of a society, be
it in rural or urban areas. Although Indonesia's East Java in the first rank
economic growth in 2011, however, ranks third in East Java poverty level.
In certain years, despite increased economic growth and poverty but the
unemployment rate also increased. This study uses secondary data
obtained from the central statistical agency and through the internet to
complete the data.
The analysis method used in this study is a multiple linear
regression with the help of Eviews software. The results showed that the
variables of economic growth and unemployment have a significant impact
on poverty through the variable t test results with the results of the
economic growth variable has a probability of 0.0011 and a variable rate of
open unemployment has a probability of 0.0006. The coefficient of
determination (R2
) of 0863, this means that the variation of 86.3 percent
poverty in East Java can be explained by variations in two independent
variables  namely economic growth and unemployment. While the
remaining 13.7 percent is explained by other variables not mentioned in the
research model
Keywords: poverty, economic growth, unemployment rate.

How to Cite
KARISMA, A. (2013). Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Pengangguran Terhadap Kemiskinan Di Jawa Timur. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JUPE), 1(3).
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