
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya keluhan dari siswa SMK Negeri 1 Blitar yang menganggap bahwa pelajaran gambar itu sulit dan membingungkan karena penuh dengan aturan-aturan dan konsep, sehingga menjadikan siswa pasif dalam pembelajaran dan hasil belajarnya kurang baik. Guru hendaknya menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang melibatkan keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga siswa dapat mengembangkan potensi karena terwujudnya komunikasi antara guru dan siswa dan hasil belajar siswa menjadi lebih baik. Guru membutuhkan variasi metode pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam mengimajinasikan sesuatu yang telah digambar. Terkait dengan hasil observasi di atas dan permasalahan-permasalahan yang telah ditemukan di SMKN 1 Blitar, maka untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut dipilih strategi metode pembelajaran yaitu metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar. Metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya sebagai pilihan untuk memperbaiki hasil belajar, dimana siswa belajar dari guru dibantu rekan siswa sebagai tutor.

Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode pre-experimental design, menggunakan one shot case  design. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X Teknik Gambar Bangunan Program Keahlian Bangunan SMK Negeri 1 Blitar Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. Di prodi tersebut terdapat dua rombel (rombongan belajar) yaitu kelas X TGB 1 dan kelas X TGB 2, yang masing-masing berjumlah 36 siswa untuk X TGB 1 dan kelas X TGB 2, namun pada kelas X TGB 2 ada 1 siswa yang keluar maka jumlah siswanya menjadi 35 anak. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah rombel yang dipilih secara purposif sampling (kelas yang tidak sedang melaksanakan proses belajar pelajaran normatif). Sampel yang akan dipilih untuk diteliti hanya tertuju 1 kelas saja yaitu kelas X TGB 2. Variabel-variabel yang diteliti pada penelitian ini adalah keterlaksanaan metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya dan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Hasil belajar siswa berdasarkan rata-rata, pada kelas eksperimen memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar 81,8 dengan lebar rentang 27, sedangkan kelas kontrol memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar 73,33 dengan lebar rentang 20. (2) Keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan metode tutor sebaya di dalam kelas mendapatkan nilai berkisar 3,10 hingga 3,23 dengan interprestasi baik. (3) Hubungan antara guru dengan tutor di dalam kelas mendapatkan nilai berkisar 3,19 hingga 3,33 dengan kategori sangat baik.(4) Hubungan antara guru dengan siswa mendapatkan nilai berkisar 3,13 hingga 3,50 dengan kategori sangat baik. (5) Hubungan antara tutor dengan siswa mendapatkan nilai berkisar 3,11 hingga 3,38 dengan kategori sangat baik. (6) Hubungan antartutor mendapatkan nilai berkisar 3,14 hingga 3,34 dengan kategori sanga tbaik. (7) Sebagian besar (83%)  siswa merespon sangat baik proses pembelajaran metode tutor sebaya.

Kata kunci: Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya, hasil belajar siswa, AutoCad.

This research was motivated by the many complaints from students of SMK Negeri 1 Blitar who think that the lesson was difficult and confusing picture because it is filled with rules and concepts, making passive students in learning and learning outcomes are less good. The students were passive during teaching and learning process hence the low learning aptitudes. This situation was also triggered by monotonous teaching method that the teacher used. It is suggested that the teacher utilize other teaching method that can engage the students in teaching and learning process. By getting involved, the students will feel more appreciated and develop their true potency. Good communication between the students and their teacher can facilitate better learning aptitudes. The teacher needs more variations of teaching method that can increase students comprehension in visualizing things which they draw. Based on the results of preliminary observation and those aforementioned problems found in SMK Negeri 1 Blitar, peer-tutor teaching method was used to overcome the problems and to increase students learning aptitudes. Peer tutoring learning method as an option to improve the results of learning, where students learn from teachers assisted by his fellow students as tutors.

The research method used was pre-experimental design method with one shot case design. The research subjects were the tenth graders of Building Construction Course of Construction Skill Program of SMK Negeri 1 Blitar Academic Year of 2015/2016. There were two learning groups, i.e. tenth grade of Building Construction 1 and 2. The research samples were drawn by using purposive sampling and the samples were the students of tenth grade of Building Construction 2 with 35 students. Samples from this study is rombel selected purposively sampling (classes that are not currently implementing the process of learning lessons normative). Samples will be selected for study only focused only 1 class is class X TGB 2. The observed variables were the establishment of peer-tutor teaching method and the improvement of students’ learning aptitudes.

The results of this research show that (1) the average score of students of experimental class is 81.8 with the interval of 27, while the average score of the students of control class is 73.3 with the interval of 20. It was reported that (2) the score of the establishment of peer-tutor teaching method in the classroom ranges from 3.10 to 3.23 with relatively good interpretation. (3) The score related to the relationship between the teacher and tutors of the class ranges from 3.19 to 3.33; it is considered a very well relationship. (4) The score related to the relationship between the teacher and the student ranges from 3.13 to 3.50 and it is considered very well. (5) The score related to the relationship between the tutors and the students ranges from 3.11 to 3.3 and it is considered very well. (6) The score related to the relationship amongst tutors ranges from 3.14 to 3.34 and it is considered very well. (7) The percentage of students’ responses towards the implementation of peer-tutor teaching method in Building Construction Class 2 is 83% with the category of very good.

Keywords: Peer-Tutor Teaching Method, students learning aptitudes, AutoCad.

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