

Pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan adalah salah satu materi yang diberikan untuk siswa MTs Ihyaul Islam, yang di dalamnya terdapat unsur mengembangkan aspek kesehatan, kebugaran jasmani, keterampilan berfikir kritis, stabilitas emosional, keterampilan sosial, penalaran dan tindakan moral melalui aktifitas jasmani dan olahraga. Melalui pendekatan bermain dalam pembelajaran service bawah bolavoli diharapkan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar service bawah bolavoli dan pada akhirnya membantu siswa menguasai keterampilan dasar service bawah dan mendapatkan nilai sesuai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar service bawah bolavoli. Jenis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). PTK adalah proses pemecahan masalah yang dilakukan secara sistematis, artinya dilakukan secara bertahap. Hal ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam menyajikan fakta-fakta dan gambaran mengenai peningkatan hasil belajar service bawah bolavoli oleh siswa kelas VII MTs Ihyaul Islam Melalui pendekatan bermain. Apakah pembelajaran service bawah bolavoli melalui pendekatan bermain dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar service bawah bolavoli oleh siswa kelas VII MTs Ihyaul Islam? Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perhitungan persentase hasil tes sevice bawah bolavoli melalui pendekatan bermain dapat dinyatakan berhasil, karena hasil belajar service bawah bola voli oleh siswa kelas VII Mts Ihyaul Islam mencapai rata-rata ketuntasan 87.5%, dengan 28 siswa tuntas dan 4 siswa yang tidak tuntas dari 32 total keseluruhan siswa. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui pendekatan bermain dalam proses belajar mengajar penjasorkes sangat membantu dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar service bawah bolavoli studi pada siswa kelas VII MTs Ihyaul Islam tahun pelajaran 2013/2014

Kata Kunci : Service bawah bolavoli, hasil belajar.


Physical education, sport, and health is one of the materials given to the students of MTs.Ihyaul Islam (Islamic school of Ihyaul Islam) which there are elements of the game to develop aspects of health, physical fitness,critically thinkingskills, emotional stability, social skills, reasoning, and moral action through physical activities and sport. It is expected that students improve the learning outcomes of the volleyball underhand serve through playing approach and ultimately will help students master the basic skills of the volleyball underhand serve and get the value corresponding to the minimum passing criteria(MPC). The purpose of this study is to determine the learning outcomes of the volleyball underhand serve. The type that is used in this study is Class Action Research (CAR). CAR is the problem-solving process which is done systematically. It means it is done gradually. This is expected to ease in presenting the facts and figures regarding the improvement of the learning outcomes ofthe volleyball serve underhandby   7th grade students of MTs.Ihyaul Islam through playing approach. Can the volleyball underhand serve learning through playing approach improve the learning outcomes by seventh grade students of MTs.Ihyaul Islam? Based on the results of the study showed that the calculation of the percentage of test results of the volleyball underhand serve through playing approach can be expressed successful as the learning outcomes of the volleyball underhand serve by seventh grade students of MTs.Ihyaul Islam achieve completeness average of 87.5% with 28 students completed and 4 students who did not complete from total of 32 overall students. Thus can be concluded that through playing approach to the learning process of Physical education, sport, and health is very helpfull in improving outcomes learning of the volleyball underhand serve according to studies in seventh grade students of MTs.Ihyaul Islam on academic year of 2013-2014.

Keywords : volleyball underhand serve, learning outcomes.

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