

Guru adalah kunci utama dalam suatu kegiatan pembelajaran. Keberhasilan guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dapat dilihat dari hasil belajar siswa. Hasil belajar materi chest pass pada permainan bolabasket dapat ditinjau menggunakan lembar soal-soal essay untuk kognitif, skala sikap untuk afektif dan push pass for accuracy untuk psikomotor. Faktanya hasil belajar siswa pada materi chest pass bolabasket belum merata, buktinya terdapat 25 siswa yang mendapatkan nilai dengan kategori sedang (antara 40 - 59) dan 7 siswa lainnya yang mendapatkan nilai dengan kategori baik (antara 60 - 79). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan dan besar peningkatan model pembelajaran contextual teaching and larning terhadap hasil belajar chest pass pada permainan bolabasket. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan pendekatan deskriptif  kuantitatif. Subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa kelas XI IPS-2 SMA Negeri 2 Mojokerto dengan jumlah siswa 32 siswa. Dari hasil penelitian secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa selama 2 kali perlakuan, ada pengaruh yang signifikan nilai model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw terhadap hasil belajar chest pass pada permainan bolabasket yang dibuktikan dengan hasil t hitung > t tabel (8,70> 1,699) dari ketiga komponen hasil belajar yang digunakan pada saat pre-test dan post-test yaitu lembar soal-soal essay, skala sikap dan push pass for accuracy.

Kata Kunci : Media pembelajaran contextual teaching and learning , Hasil belajar, chest pass bolabasket.


Teacher is the main key in a learning activity. The success of the teacher in learning activities can be seen from learning outcomes. The results of studying the material of chest pass in the basketball game can be reviewed using sheets of essay questions for the cognitive, attitude scale to a affective and push pass for accuracy for psychomotor. The fact of student learning outcomes at chest pass material in basketball has not been evenly distributed, the evidences is still a lot of students (25 students) get that medium scored category (between 40 - 59) and the other (7 students) who get good valve category (between 60 - 79). This study aims to application and determine the effect of the increase in contextual teaching and learning model to study the result of chest pass in the basketball game. This study was a quasi-experimental with quantitative descriptive approach. Research subject is Social-2 of XI grade in senior high school 2 Mojokerto with totaling 32 students. From the research result can be conclude that during twice handling, There was a significant effect of the value of contextual teaching and learning model to study the result of chest pass on basketball game as evidenced by the results of the t > t table (8,70 > 1,699) from third components used in the current pre-test and post-test are sheets essay question, the attitude scale and push pass for accuracy.

Keywords: contextual teaching and learning model, learning outcome, chest pass basketball

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