

Dalam pembelajaran permainan bolabasket yang diajarkan di SMP Negeri 4Tulungagung mempelajari berbagai macam teknik shooting diantaranya mempelajari teknik shooting dengan awalan dan shooting tanpa awalan. Ketika praktek banyak siswa yang mempunyai kesulitan terutama pada akurasi hasil shooting. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan latihan berbagai teknik shooting guna memperoleh hasil akurasi shooting yang lebih baik. Shooting tanpa awalan(set-shoot) adalah teknik menembakkan bola ke arah ring pada permainan bolabasket dengan cara berdiri di tempat. Dengan cara kaki sejajar, angkatan tangan setara dengan bahu. Shooting dengan awalan (jump-shoot) adalah teknik menembakkan bola ke arah ring pada permainan bolabasket dengan cara melompat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Dengan desain penelitian Static Group Comparison Design untuk mengetahui perbandingan hasil latihan. Untuk mengetahui nilai perbandingan hasil latihan shooting dengan awalan dan latihan shooting dengan awalan terhadap akurasi hasil shooting dengan menggunakan Uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata nilai hasil latihan Jump Shoot sebesar 18,63 sedangkan rata-rata nilai hasil latihan Set Shoot sebesar 20,38 selisih kedua nilai rata-rata tersebut sebesar -1,75. Nilai standar deviasi hasil latihan Jump Shoot sebesar 4,63 sedangkan standar deviasi nilai hasil latihan Set Shoot sebesar 3,44 selisih kedua nilai standar deviasi tersebut sebesar 1,19. Nilai varian hasil latihan Jump Shoot sebesar 21,45 sedangkan varian nilai latihan Set Shoot sebesar 11,85 selisih kedua nilai varian tersebut sebesar 9,6. Dari hasil uji t nilai hasil latihan shooting dengan awalan dan shooting tanpa awalan menunjukan bahwa hasil thitung 1.213 lebih kecil dari ttabel 2.042 dengan menggunakan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0.05.Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Nilai hasil latihan Set Shoot memperoleh hasil lebih baik dibanding nilai hasil latihan Jump Shoot dilihat dari rata-rata nilai Set Shoot sebesar 20,38 sedangkan Jump Shoot sebesar 18,63 dan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai hasil latihan shooting dengan awalan dan nilai hasil shooting tanpa awalanpada siswa SMP N 4 Tulungagung dari hasil perhitungan nilai thitung 1.213 < nilai ttabel 2.042 dengan taraf signifikansi 0.05.

Kata Kunci: bolabasket, perbandingan hasil latihan, shooting tanpa awalan, shooting dengan awalan



In the game of basketball taught learning in SMPN 4 Tulungagung learn the various techniques of shooting them learn the techniques of shooting with a prefix and shooting without the prefix. When the practice of many students who have problems, especially in the accuracy of shooting. It therefore requires the exercise of various shooting techniques in order to obtain results that better shooting accuracy. Shooting without a prefix (set-shoot) is a technique to shoot the ball toward the hoop at the basketball game by standing in place. By way of parallel legs, hands force equivalent to shoulder. Shooting with the prefix (jump-shoot) is a technique to shoot the ball toward the hoop at the basketball game by jumping. This type of research used in this research is descriptive quantitative research. Research design Static Group Comparison Design to compare the results of the exercise. To determine the value of the comparison results with the prefix shooting drills and shooting practice with the prefix of the accuracy of the result of shooting by using t-test. The results showed the average value of the results of the exercise Jump Shoot at 18,63 while the average value of the results of the exercise amounted to 20,38 Shoot Set the difference of the average value is at -1,75. Standard deviation exercise results Jump Shoot at 4,63 while the standard deviation of the results of the exercise value of 3,44 Shoot Set the difference of the value of the standard deviation of 1,19. Value variants workout results Jump Shoot at 21,45 while the variant of the exercise value of 11,85 Shoot Set the difference of the variance in the amount of 9,6. From the results of the t test result value with prefix shooting drills and shooting without prefix indicates that the results tcount 1,213 less than ttabel 2,042 by using a significance level of 0.05.Conclusions from this research is the Value drill results Set Shoot obtain better results than the value of the exercise Jump Shoot seen from the average value Set Shoot at 20,38 while Jump Shoot at 18,63 and there was no significant difference between the value of the practice shooting with a prefix and values the shooting without awalanpada students of SMPN 4 Tulungagung from the calculation tcount 1,213 <value ttable 2,042 with level of significance of 0.05.

Keywords: basketball, comparison of the results of the exercise, without prefix shooting, shooting with the prefix

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