Penerapan Small Sided Games Terhadap Hasil Belajar Passing Dan Motivasi Siswi Mengikuti Pembelajaran Sepakbola




Small Sided Games didesain dalam bentuk model pembelajaran dimana siswa dihadapkan pada situasi Small Sided Games dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran PJOK khusunya materi sepakbola. Dalam artian lain Small Sided Games merupakan penerapan materi dalam sepak bola yang disederhanakan. Penerapan Small Sided Games dalam materi sepak bola dapat memanfaatkan sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki sekolah, seperti lapangan yang tidak harus sesuai dengan lapangan yang standar dan peraturan permainan juga dibuat menyesuaikan keadaan yang ada. Berbagai macam jenis permainan dalam Small Sided Games yang dapat diterapkan dalam materi sepak bola, sehingga dapat memberikan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan bagi peserta didik agar peserta didik termotivasi dalam mengikuti pembelajaran sepakbola terlebih pada siswi yang cenderung takut dengan bola. Dari distribusi data pretest kelompok eksperimen dalam ranah pengetahuan memiliki rata-rata 38,33 meningkat menjadi 83,33, dalam ranah keterampilan 33,33 meningkat menjadi 76,23 dan motivasi 137,83 meningkat menjadi 143,66. Sedangkan untuk kelompok kontrol distribusi data pretest dalam ranah pengetahuan memiliki rata-rata 38,50 meningkat menjadi 40,00, dalam ranah keterampilan 20,68 meningkat menjadi 24,72 dan motivasi 128,40 meningkat menjadi 133,35. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis maka pada hasil belajar penerapan Small Sided Games dalam ranah pengetahuan memiliki nilai sig 0,000 < 0,05, maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara hasil belajar dan penerapan Small Sided Games kelompok eksperimen sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan penelitian.Pada Motivasi siswi memiliki nilai sig 0,042 < 0,05, maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara motivasi dan penerapan Small Sided Games kelompok eksperimen sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan penelitian. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh peningkatan penerapan Small Sided Games terhadap hasil belajar passing dalam ranah pengetahuan sebesar 117,4% dalam ranah keterampilan sebesar 128,7% dan dalam ranah motivasi sebesar 4,2%. berdasarkan hasil analsis pengujian data dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan Small Sided Games dalam kelompok eksperimen yang telah diberikan treatment memiliki peningkatan yang lebih signifikan dari pada kelompok kontrol yang tidak diberikan treatmet dengan penerapan Small Sided Games .

Kata kunci: Small Sided Games , Sepakbola, Passing


Small Sided Games can be applied in PJOK learning especially football material. In other words Small Sided Games are the application of material in simplified football. The application of Small Sided Games in football material can utilize the facilities and infrastructure owned by the school, such as the field that does not have to be in accordance with the original field and the rules of the game are also made to adjust the existing situation. Various types of games in Small Sided Games that can be applied in soccer material, so that it can provide fun learning for students so that students are motivated to take part in football learning, especially for students who tend to be afraid of the ball. Passing if applying Small Sided Games will provide more opportunities for students to come into contact with the ball so that they can improve their skills and knowledge.From the distribution of pretest data in the experimental group in the realm of knowledge had an average of 38.33 increasing to 83.33, in the realm of skills 33.33 increased to 76.23 and motivation 137.83 increased to 143.66. Whereas for the control group the distribution of pretest data in the realm of knowledge had an average of 38,50 increasing to 40,00, in the realm of skills 20,68 increased to 24,72 and motivation 128,40 increased to 133,35. To find out whether there is an effect of applying Small Sided Games to the results of learning passing and motivation to take part in football learning, treatment is given. Based on hypothesis testing, the learning outcomes of the implementation of Small Sided Games in the realm of knowledge have a sig value of 0,000 <0,05, then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Proving that there was a significant effect between learning outcomes and the application of the Small Sided Games experimental group before and after the implementation of the research. In student motivation the sig value was 0.042 <0.05, then Haaccepted and Ho rejected. Proving that there was a significant influence between motivation and application of the experimental Small Sided Games group before and after the implementation of the study.From the calculation results obtained an increase in the application of Small Sided Games to the results of learning passing in the realm of knowledge as much as, in the realm of skills as big as and in the realm of motivation. Based on the analysis of data testing, it can be concluded that the application of Small Sided Games in the experimental group that has been given treatment has a more significant increase than the control group that is not given treatmet with the application of Small Sided Games .

Keywords: Small Sided Games , Football, Passing

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