• Sofia Alfitri Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Dony Andrijanto Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran PJOK selama pandemi COVID-19 di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini termasuk deskriptif kuantitatif melalui metode survei. Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling seluruh guru PJOK SMA Negeri Kabupaten Sidoarjo sejumlah 40 orang. engambilan data secara online dengan membagikan kuesioner melalui google forms. Analisis data menggunakan rata-rata dan persentase. Persentase digunakan untuk menentukan norma pengukuran dan menganalisis data. Hasil dari 40 guru yang diteliti, diketahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran PJOK selama pandemi 3 guru memperoleh nilai sangat tinggi, 11 guru memperoleh nilai tinggi dan rendah, 13 guru memperoleh nilai sedang, dan 2 guru memperoleh nilai sangat rendah. Data diatas dapat dikategorikan bahwa mayoritas guru SMA Negeri Sidoarjo sebesar 67,5% melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran PJOK selama pandemi dengan nilai sedang hingga sangat tinggi. Sedangkan 32,5% guru melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran memperoleh penilaian rendah hingga sangat rendah. Hasil analisis setiap item pengukuran yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran PJOK selama pandemi dari perencanaan sebesar 32,9%, pelaksanaan sebesar 37,2%, dan evaluasi sebesar 16,3%. Total keseluruhan terlaksananya pembelajaran sebesar 86,4% sedangakan 13,6% belum terlaksana. Simpulan penelitian ini bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran PJOK meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Selain itu, evaluasi selama pandemi COVID-19 di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Sidoarjo sebesar 86,4% yang terdiri dari 67,5% guru memiliki nilai pelaksanaan antara kategori sedang hingga sangat tinggi dan 32,5% guru memiliki nilai rendah hingga rendah sekali.

Kata Kunci: pembelajaran; PJOK; COVID-19


The aim of this research is to understand the physical education sports health Covid-19 in publicsenior high schools of Sidoarjo. This research used the descriptive qualitative through survey method. Retrieval of data in this study using a total sampling technique from all physical education sports health teachers in public senior high school is 40 people. The data collection was via online from the google form questionnaire distribution. The data analysis was using average and percentage. Percentage was used to determine the measurement norm and analyze the data. From the result of 40 observed teacher, it was discovered that 3 teachers got very high, 11 teachers got high and low, 13 teachers got average and 2 teachers got very low score in the physical education sports health learning process during pandemic. Based on those data, it could be categorized that majority of public senior high school teachers in Sidoarjo as the number of 67% were conducting physical education sports health learning process during pandemic with average to very high score. While the rest of 32,5% teachers was conducting the teaching process with low to very low score. The result of each measurement item analysis shows that sport learning process during pandemic was 32,9% planning, 37,2% teaching implementation, and 16.3% evaluation. The total of teaching implementation is in the number of 86.4% while the 13.6% is not implemented yet. The research conclusion is that the physical education sports health teaching and learning process covers planning, implementing, and evaluating. During Covid-19 pandemic, the evaluation of teachers in public senior high school of Sidoarjo is as much as 86.4% which consist of 67.5% teachers had implementation score between middle to very high and 32.5% teachers got low to very low score.

Keywords: learning; physical education sports health; COVID-19


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