• Imam Mukti Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Nurhasan Nurhasan Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Secara umum ada dua faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa yaitu internal dan eksternal, minat siswa termasuk ke dalam salah satu faktor internal yang memiliki hubungan erat terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Minat yaitu munculnya sikap positif terhadap suatu objek yang berkeinginan untuk mendapatkannya. Petanquedalah olahraga yang tidak terlalu membutuhkan banyak energi tetapi membutuhkan konsentrasi dan ketepatan tinggi. Artikel ini dibuat untuk mengetahui hubungan minat siswa terhadap hasil belajar shooting petanque jarak 6 meter di SDN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non eksperimen dan desain yang digunakan adalah korelasional. Sebanyak 20 siswa yang ikut ekstrakurikuler petanque menjadi sampel penelitian berdasarkan teknik total sampling. Variabel minat diukur menggunakan angket minat dan variabel hasil belajar shooting menggunakan tes keterampilan shooting. Teknik analisis data dilakukan tiga tahap, yaitu: (1) uji validitas dan relibilitas angket minat menggunakan korelasi dan Cronbach’s Alpha; (2) deskriptif statistik; dan (3) uji hipotesis menggunakan korelasi product moment. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara minat dan hasil belajar shooting petanque (r= -0,398, p= 0,082>0,05). Berdasarkan besar r-hitung maka kekuatan hubungan minat siswa dan hasil belajar shooting petanque yaitu rendah. Berdasarkan indeks diterminsi (r-hitung kuadrat) bahwa variabel minat memiliki kontribusi terhadap hasil belajar shooting petanque yaitu sebesar 15,8%. Kata Kunci:  minat; tembak; petanque


In general, there are two factors that influence student learning outcomes, namely internal and external, student interest is included in one of the internal factors that have a close relationship to student learning outcomes. Interest is the emergence of a positive attitude towards an object that wants to get it. Petanque is a sport that does not require a lot of energy but requires high concentration and precision. This article was created to determine the relationship between students' interest in learning outcomes of shooting petanque 6 meters away at SDN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung. This research is a non-experimental research and the design used is correlational. A total of 20 students who took part in extracurricular petanque became the research sample based on the total sampling technique. Interest variables were measured using an interest questionnaire and shooting learning outcomes variables using shooting skills tests. The data analysis technique was carried out in three stages, namely: (1) testing the validity and reliability of the interest questionnaire using correlation and Cronbach's Alpha; (2) descriptive statistics; and (3) hypothesis testing using product moment correlation. The results showed that there was no relationship between interest and learning outcomes of shooting petanque (r= -0.398, p= 0.082>0.05). Based on the large r-count, the strength of the relationship between student interests and learning outcomes of shooting petanque is low. Based on the index of termination (r-count squared) that the variable of interest has a contribution to the learning outcomes of shooting petanque by 15.8%.

Keywords: interest; shooting; petanque


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