Tujuan dari penelitian ini Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. exhaustion, cynism dan professional efficacy. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang didapat dengan persentase sebesar 52% mahasiswa mengalami kelelahan yang berlebih pada akhir perkuliahan dan dapat dikategorikan sedang, nilai rata-rata sebesar 38%. Pada indikator cynism mahasiswa merasa kurang antusias pada perkuliahan dengan perolehan persentase sebesar 22% yang mana masuk pada kriteria rendah, rata-rata persentase sebesar 19% berkategori rendah. Pada indikator professional efficacy sebagian besar mahasiswa belajar tentang banyak hal yang menarik di dalam perkuliahan yang sedang dijalani dengan nilai persentase 77% sehingga dikategorikan tinggi, nilai rata-rata dari indikator ini dengan persentase 68% masuk pada kriteria tinggi.
Kata Kunci: tingkat kejenuhan; daring; pandemi covid-19
The purpose of this research is to measure how high the level of student academic burnout during the online learning process takes place. The type of research used was survey research. This research is quantitative . The research used the MBI-SS (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey) questionnaire. The distribution of this questionnaire used a google form with a research sample of 40 students consisted of classes A, B, C, and D in the physical education department of the 2019 State University of Surabaya. The sampling technique used in this research was simple random sampling. Analysis of the data used was the mean and percentage then categorized into several categories, namely low, medium, and high categories. In the questionnaire there were 3 indicators used, namely exhaustion, cynism dan professional efficacy. Based on the results of the analysis obtained on the exhaustion indicator with a percentage of 52% students had excessive fatigue at the end of the learning and can be categorized as medium, the average value was 38%. On the cynism indicator, students felt less enthusiastic about lectures with a percentage gain of 22% which was included in the low criteria, the average percentage was 19% in the low category. In the professional efficacy indicator, most students learn about many interesting things in the learning that were being undertaken with a percentage value of 77% so that it was categorized as high, the average value of this indicator with a percentage of 68% was included in the high criteria. It can be concluded that the burnout level of students was in the medium category so that they do not had excessive burnout.
Keywords: burnout level; online learning; covid-19 pandemic