• Mifta Hefi Permatasari Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Suroto Suroto Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Di Indonesia pendidikan dibagi menjadi dua yaitu pendidikan umum serta pendidikan untuk anak yang memiliki kebutuhan khusus. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran jasmani adaptif di sekolah luar biasa (SLB) se-Kota Mojokerto. Jenis metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif serta metode survei. Responden yang diambil adalah guru-guru di SLB se-Kota Mojokerto. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket pilihan ganda yang di isi oleh guru terkait. Populasi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 4 sekolah SLB se-Kota Mojokerto yaitu SLB B Pertiwi, SLB Thumb Kids School Kota Mojokerto, SLB Aisyiyah 08, SLB ACD Pertiwi. Total sampling merupakan jenis teknik pengambilan data. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif statistik yang diolah dengan Microsoft Excel. Pada hasil dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa tujuan pembelajaran kategori “kurang” sebesar 80% (8 guru), materi pembelajaran kategori “sangat kurang” sebesar 100% (10 guru), faktor kurikulum kategori “sangat kurang” sebesar 100% (10 guru), siswa kategori “baik” sebesar 90% (9 guru), metode kategori “sangat kurang” sebesar 100% (10 guru), kompetensi guru kategori “sangat kurang” sebesar 90% (9 guru), sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran dengan hasil nilai berada pada kategori “kurang” dengan persentase sebesar 50% (5 guru), evaluasi kategori “sangat baik” sebesar 50% (5 guru). Berdasarkan data menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani adaptif di SLB se-Kota Mojokerto berada pada kategori “kurang” sebesar 60% (6 guru). Sehingga hal tersebut harus lebih ditingkatkan lagi dengan menambah kreatifitas dan inovasi setiap guru agar semua faktor dapat tercapai. Serta ditambahkan modifikasi pembelajaran yang dapat mempermudah ABK dalam menerima materi pembelajaran serta meningkatkan prestasi yang diminati.

Kata Kunci: pembelajaran; adaptif; SLB


In Indonesia, education is divide into two, namely general education and education for children with special needs. This study aims to determine the implementation of adaptive physical learning in special schools (SLB) in Mojokerto City. The type of method used is descriptive quantitative and survey method. Respondents taken were teachers in special schools throughout Mojokerto City. The data collection technique was in the form of a multiple choices questionnaire which was filled out by the related teacher. The population in this study amounted to 4 SLB schools throughout Mojokerto, namely SLB B Pertiwi, SLB Thumb Kids School Mojokerto City, SLB Aisyiyah 08, SLB ACD Pertiwi. Total sampling is a type of data collection technique. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistic which were processed with Microsoft Excel. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the learning objectives in the "less" category are 80% (8 teachers), the learning materials are in the "very poor" category of 100% (10 teachers), the curriculum factor in the "very poor" category is 100% (10 teachers). , students in the "good" category by 90% (9 teachers), the method in the "very poor" category at 100% (10 teachers), teacher competence in the "very poor" category by 90% (9 teachers), learning facilities and infrastructure with scores are in the "less" category with a percentage of 50% (5 teachers), the evaluation of the "very good" category is 50% (5 teachers). Based on the data shows that the implementation of adaptive physical education learning in special schools throughout Mojokerto City is in the "less" category of 60% (6 teachers). So it must be further improved by adding creativity and innovation of each teacher so that all factors can be achieved. As well as added learning modifications that can make it easier for children with special needs to receive learning materials and improve achievement of interest.

Keywords: learning; adaptive; SLB

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