• Ellahira Nadhika Fiesta Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Dwi Cahyo Kartiko Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Masyarakat luas ingin hidup sejahtera, salah satu penunjang adalah mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak. Dampak dari peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di negara Indonesia adalah munculnya inovasi – inovasi pembelajaran. Perkembangan IPTEK memiliki dampak terhadap mata pelajaran, termasuk mata pelajaran PJOK. Penelitian dilakukan guna mengetahui apakah di lingkup siswa juga kurang memprioritaskan mata pelajaran PJOK karena dianggap tidak sepenting mata pelajaran yang lain.  Metode penelitian ini menggunakan teknik survei. Jenis sampling data menggunakan multistage sampling, populasi sampel ada 1.175 siswa, yang dibagi menjadi 33 rombongan belajar. Dari 33 rombongan belajar tersebut, diambil 3 kelas dari 3 angkatan yang berbeda yaitu kelas 10-11, 11 IPA 6, 12 IPA 3. Kemudian, masing – masing kelas diambil 12 siswa dan siswi secara acak, total ada 36 siswa dan siswi yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini. Karakteristik sampel adalah 19 siswa perempuan dan 17 siswa laki – laki, dengan kisaran usia 15 sampai 18 tahun. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket berbentuk google form yang berisi 30 butir soal pertanyaan, disebarkan melalui grup whatsapp siswa-siswi yang menjadi sampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan, minat siswa terhadap pembelajaran PJOK di SMAN 1 Menganti dalam kategori sedang yaitu 89%. Jika dirinci per indikatornya, aspek sikap 83%, aspek keinginan 83%, aspek ketekunan 53%, dan aspek dorongan 58%. Beberapa hal berpengaruh terhadap hasil survei tersebut, seperti motivasi, dorongan dari lingkungan, dan minat siswa itu sendiri.

Kata Kunci: survei; pendidikan olahraga; minat siswa


The wider community wants to live in prosperity, one of the supports is getting a proper education. Improving the quality of education gives an impact in our country, the impact is in emerging learning innovations. The impact given in development of science and technology is on subjects too, including the subject of physical education, sports and health (PJOK). The research was conducted to find out whether students in this scope of  PJOK, and also rule out subjects because they are considered not as important as other subjects. This research method uses survey techniques. The data was taken from students of SMA Negeri 1 Menganti, namely three generations, there are classes of 10, 11, and 12.. The research was conducted by taking one class per batch and 12 random students per class, there are 36 student for the sample. Filling out the Google form was carried out for the research, which was shared through the WhatsApp group as the research sample. Overall the survey results of students' interest in PJOK at SMAN 1 Menganti were measured by 30 questions and 36 random respondents from 108 students. From the survey results, it showed that student’s interest in PJOK subjects at SMAN 1 Menganti was in the moderate category, namely 89%. If broken down per indicator, the attitude aspect is 83%, the desire aspect is 83%, the persistence aspect is 53%, and the encouragement aspect is 58%. Several things influenced the results of the survey, such as motivation, encouragement from the environment, and the interests of the students themselves..

Keywords: survey; sport education; student interest


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