• Samsidar Mahmud Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Advendi Kristiyandaru Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Pendidikan Jasmani dalam materi kebugaran jasmani merupakan kemampuan tubuh seseorang untuk menyesuaikan beban fisik yang akan diterima. Kebugaran jasmani mempunyai komponen – komponen tersebut : 1. Kecepatan, 2. Kekuatan otot, 3. Ketahanan, 4. Kelincahan, 5. Kelenturan, 6. Daya eksplosif, 7. Keseimbangan, 8. Koordinasi, 9. Ketepatan, dan 10. Reaksi. Jenis yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah jenis eksperimental Eksperimen Semu. Desain penelitian Pre-Eksperimental Design, model desain One-Grup Pretest - Posttest Design. Penilaian dilakukan menggunakan excel dan SPSS untuk menemukan solusi dari rumusan masalah. Penerapan model pembelajaran inquiry bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar, keterlaksanaan, dan respons, dan hasil cukup efektif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran kelas, hasil tafsiran sebesar 74.54. Peningkatan hasil dikatakan tinggi hasil sebesar 0.74%, tabel output hasil uji t, diperoleh sig 0.000, yang berarti lebih kecil dari a 0.05, dengan demikian dikatakan Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif, nilai rata-rata pretest sebesar 58.91, dan posttest sebesar 89.39. Implementasi model pembelajaran inquiry memberikan peningkatan hasil belajar PJOK materi kebugaran jasmani kelas X Reguler SMA Al Islam Krian tahun ajaran 2023/2024. Peningkatan hasil belajar diketahui dari hasil tes pretest dan posttest. Pretest sebesar 58.91 dan posttest sebesar 89.38, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran inquiry dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar teori kebugaran jasmani, serta keterlaksanaan mendapatkan hasil sebesar 75%, masuk dalam kategori baik dibuktikan dengan lembar observasi, angket respons mendapatkan hasil sebesar 79.60, dapat dikatakan bahwa respons terkait penerapan model pembelajaran inquiry terbilang hasil yang positif baik untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran PJOK.

Kata Kunci: inquiry; hasil belajar; kebugaran jasmani; PJOK


Physical Education in physical fitness material is the ability of a person's body to adjust the physical load to be received. Physical fitness has these components: 1. Speed, 2. Muscle strength, 3. Endurance, 4. Agility, 5. Flexibility, 6. Explosive power, 7. Balance, 8. Coordination, 9. Accuracy, and 10. Reaction. The type used in research is the experimental type of Pseudo. Experiment. Pre-Experimental Design research design, One-Group Pretest - Posttest Design design model. The assessment is carried out using excel and SPSS to find solutions to problem formulations. The application of the inquiry learning model aims to determine the improvement of learning outcomes, implementation, and response, and the results are quite effective in classroom learning activities, the interpretation results amounted to 74.54. The increase in yield is said to be high yield by 0.74%, the output table of test result t, obtained sig 0.000, which means smaller than a 0.05, thus it says Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, the average score of pretest was 58.91, and posttest was 89.39. The implementation of the inquiry learning model provides an improvement in the learning outcomes of PJOK physical fitness material for class X Regular SMA Al Islam Krian for the 2023/2024 school year. Improvement in learning outcomes is known from pretest and posttest test results. Pretest of 58.91 and posttest of 89.38, it can be concluded that the inquiry learning model can improve the learning outcomes of physical fitness theory, and the implementation of getting results by 75%, is included in the good category as evidenced by observation sheets, response questionnaires get results of 79.60, it can be said that responses related to the application of the inquiry learning model are fairly positive results to be applied in PJOK learning.

Keywords:  inquiry; learning outcomes; physical fitness; PJOK

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