

Kemampuan yang sangat penting dalam bermain sepak takraw adalah kemampuan melakukan sepak sila tanpa sepak sila seseorang tidak akan bisa bermain dan juga mengembangkan permainan sepak takraw. Sepak sila merupakan teknik dasar dari sepak takraw dan dirasa sulit untuk siswa. kesulitan yang dialami saat perkenan dan pada saat mengontrol bola. Kesulitan tersebut terjadi karena kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung monoton. Seorang guru harus mempunyai keterampilan dan inovasi dalam memberikan materi pembelajaran sepak takraw sehingga siswa senang dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran, hal itu dapat diwujudkan dengan salah satu metode yang akan di bandingkan yaitu metode massed practice dan distributed practice. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan dan besarnya perbandingan antara metode massed practice dan distributed  practice terhadap hasil belajar Sepak sila. Sutdi pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri Sambikerep 2, Surabaya yang berjumlah 40 siswa dengan metode massed practice 20 siswa dan metode distributed  practice 20 siswa. Jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengambilan data dengan tes hasil belajar sepak sila. Hasil penelitian adalah 1. Terdapat perbandingan antara metode distributed  practice dengan metode massed practice, dilihat dari kenaikan pre-test dan post-test yaitu metode distributed  practice kanan meningkat sebesar 18,64%, dan kiri meningkat sebesar 21,24% dan metode massed practice kanan meningkat sebesar 16,38%, dan kiri meningkat sebesar 16,1%. Hasil metode distributed  practice kanan untuk uji-t maka didapatkan 2,89 sedangkan ttabel 2,02 jadi thitung > ttabel (2,89 > 2,02) dan hasil metode distributed  practice kiri untuk uji-t maka didapatkan 4,64 sedangkan ttabel 2,02 jadi thitung > ttabel (4,64 > 2,02), maka dapat disimpulkan perbandingan metode distributed  practice dengan metode massed practice terhadap hasil belajar sepak sila, dengan demikian dapat dikatakan kelompok siswa yang diberikan metode distributed  practice mempunyai hasil belajar yang lebih baik. 2. Besarnya perbandingan antara metode distributed  practice dan metode massed practice hasil belajar sepak sila sebesar 18,64% yang  kanan dan yang kiri sebesar 21,24 terhadap hasil belajar sepak sila pada siswa kelas V SDN Sambikerep 2 Surabaya.

Kata Kunci: metode massed practice, metode distributed  practice, sepak sila.


The ability is very important in playing sepak takraw is the ability to kick a sepaksila without one will not be able to play and also to develop the game sepak takraw. Football precepts are the basic techniques of sepak takraw and it is difficult for students. difficulties experienced during the time of approval and control the ball. The difficulty occurs because the learning activities take place monotonous. A teacher must have the skills and innovation in providing learning materials sepak takraw so that students enjoy the learning process, it can be realized by one of the methods that will be compared to the method of massed practice and distributed practice. The purpose of this study was to compare the magnitude of the comparison between the method and massed practice and distributed practice on the learning outcomes sepak sila. Study on Elementary School 5 grade students Sambikerep 2 Surabaya consisting of 40 students to 20 students methods of massed practice and distributed practice methods 20 students. Types of experimental studies with quantitative descriptive approach. Data retrieval with the test results to learn sepak sila. The results of the study were 1. There is a comparison between the methods with methods massed practice, distributed practice. seen from the increase in the pre - test and post - test is a method of distributed practice increased by 18.64% right, and left increased by 21.24% and the method of massed practice right increased by 16.38%, and increased by 16.1% left. Distributed practice results right method for the t-test obtained while ttable 2.02 2.89 so tcount > ttable (2.89 > 2.02) and the results of the distributed practice methods left for the t-test of 4.64 obtained while ttable 2, 02 so tcount > ttable (4.64 > 2.02), it can be concluded comparison method with the method of massed practice, distributed practice on the learning outcomes of football precepts, thus it can be said that the student group is provided a method of distributed practice have better learning outcomes. 2. Magnitude comparison between the methods of distributed practice and massed practice method of learning outcomes soccer precepts of 18.64% which is right and which is left at 21.24 on learning outcomes of students grade football sila SDN Sambikerep 2 Surabaya.

Keywords: Methods Of Massed Practice, Distributed Practice Methods, Sepak  Sila

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