• Mego Hannanto Ihsa Putra Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Theodorus Wiyanto Wibowo Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Pengembangan, , Modul, Uji Kelayakan, Hasil Belajar, Trainer Sistem Starter


The teaching and learning process carried out on the subject of Light Vehicle Electrical Maintenance in
class XI TKR SMK Rajasa only uses the Student Worksheet (LKS) and does not yet have learning media
in the form of modules, which is an obstacle to achieving optimal learning outcomes. The purpose of this
study was to develop a starter system trainer module and determine its level of validity, as well as to
determine the learning outcomes of eleventh graders (XI) of Light Vehicle Engineering at SMK Rajasa
Surabaya after using the starter system trainer module. The development of the Starter System Trainer
learning module uses the 4D method, namely Define, Design, Development, and disseminate. However, in
this study the disseminate stage was not carried out due to time constraints. In this study, there are 4
validators, namely research instrument validators, linguists, material experts, and design experts. The data
collection technique was carried out using a module feasibility test questionnaire and student learning
outcomes. The results of this study obtained a percentage of module eligibility of 79% which was included
in the appropriate criteria and an increase in student learning outcomes of 44%.
Keywords: Development, Module, Feasibility Test, Learning Outcomes, Starter System Trainer


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