Praktik Sosial Sabung Ayam Di Desa Becirongengor Kecamatan Wonoayu
Artikel ini membahas tentang praktik sosial sabung ayam di Desa Becirongengor Kecamatan Wonoayu. Tujuannya yaitu mengetahui bentuk praktik sosial sabung ayam di Desa Becirongengor. Teori yang digunakan yaitu “habitus” Pierre Bourdieu yang mengunakan metode kualitatif, metode kualitatif mendefinisikan penelitian kualitatif sebagai proses mencari pola-pola dan nilai. Pendekatan yang dipakai etnografi untuk belajar mendalami kehidupan masyarakat. Pemilihan subjek dilakukan secara purposive, Subjek penelitian yang dipilih berdasarkan beberapa pertimbangan yaitu memiliki dua aspek terpenting, yakni petarung sabung ayam dan pemilik tempat sabung ayam. Teknik pengumpulan data getting in agar lebih mendalam, kemudian melakukan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis strukturalis genetis yang mengedepankan pada fokus teori Bourdie yaitu habitus melalui lingkungan dan keluarga,perbandingan modal antara petarung sabung ayam kecil dan petarung sabung ayam besar, ranah perjudian, praktik persaingan antar kelompok yang menimbulkan kelas sosial ketika ayam yang bertarung kalah di tempat sabung ayam kalangan.
Kata kunci : petarung kecil dan besar,sabung ayam, kelas sosial
Sidoharjo This article discusses about social practices of gambling fihhting cocks in the village of the District Becirongengor Wonoayu. The purpose of this article is to know how the form of social practice cockhfights gambling in the Becirongengor village. Tjhe theory used is the “habitus” Pierre Bourdieu who use qualitative methods define qualitative research as a process looking for pattern and values. The approach used etnography to learn and explore the life of the community. Subject selection is purposive, subject of the study were selected based on several considerations which has two important aspects, the owner the cock and the owner of fighting cocks area. The data collection technique getting in to be more profound, then conduct interviews and documentation. Analysis structuralist genetic emphasis on the theorical focus Bourdieu namely habitus through neighborhood and family, a comparation of capital between fighthers cockfight small and fighter cockfights large,the realm of gambling,the practice of inter-agency rivalry which give rise to social classes when the chickens are fighting losing in a cockfighting kalangan.
Keywords : small dan big fighter,cock fight gambling, social class.