KONSTRUKSI ISTRI TENTANG PERAN SUAMI (Studi Istri Yang Memiliki Penghasilan Lebih Besar Dibanding Suami)



AbstrakTerlepas dari usaha aktivis feminis, kondisi perempuan disektor industri atau sektor di luar rumah (publik) kini jauh lebih baik. Sehingga kian banyak perempuan yang terdorong untuk memasuki sektor ini. Realitasnya mereka memiliki penghasilan lebih besar dibanding suami. Mengenai istri disektor publik, maka akan muncul sebuah konstruksi istri tentang peran suami dan relasi suami istri dalam rumah tangga. Penelitian inimenggunakan paradigma definisi sosial, metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan teori konstruksi sosial Peter L.Berger, teori feminisme liberal, dan teori nature. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa istri yang bekerja disektor publik dan memiliki penghasilan lebih besar dibanding suami telah merubah peran dalam keluarga. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga lebih banyak ditanggung istri sedangkan suami menjadi bersedia melakukan pekerjaan rumah seperti menyapu, mencuci dan memasak. Setiap istri menginginkan sesosok suami yang berbeda. Mereka mengelompokan suami sesuai pengetahuan dan penilaian mereka tentang suami sebagai kepala keluarga. Ada sebagian istri yang menghormati, melayani menyayangi suaminya dengan baik dan ada pula istri yang acuh tak acuh, tidak bersedia melayani, serta menghormati suaminya. Realitasnya, dalam kondisi bagaimanapun istri masih membutuhkan peran suami dalam segala hal. Kata Kunci: Keluarga, Istri Bekerja, Peran Suami, Budaya Patriarki Abstract Despite the efforts of feminist activists, the condition of women in the industrial sector or sectors outside of the home (the public) are now much better. This resulted in a boost of women entering the public sector. Therefore, the number of working women is increasing. Even women who have been working menikahpun public sector and the reality is they have a larger income than the husband. Wife about the public sector, then how the construction of the role of husband and wife relationship of husband and wife in the household.Researchers used the social definition paradigm, qualitative research methods with social construction theory approach Peter L.Berger, liberal feminist theory and the theory of nature.The results showed that the public sector working wife and have an income greater than the husband's role in the family has changed. In meeting the needs of more households being borne by the wife while the husband is willing to do chores such as sweeping, washing and cooking. Husband and wife each wants a different figure. Their husbands according to group knowledge and their assessment of the husband as head of the family. There are some wives who respect, love serving him well and some are indifferent wife, was not willing to serve, honor her husband. The reality, however, the condition still requires the husband and wife in every way Keyword: Family, Work Wife, Role Husband, Patriarchy Cultural.

How to Cite
NENGSE, A. (2013). KONSTRUKSI ISTRI TENTANG PERAN SUAMI (Studi Istri Yang Memiliki Penghasilan Lebih Besar Dibanding Suami). Paradigma, 1(3). Retrieved from https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/3368
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