• Shara Elfani Program Studi Sosiologi Universitas Negeri Surabaya


We are familiar with the entrepreneurial culture of the Chinese ethnic group. A high
work ethic is one of the Chinese ethnic identities in the field of entrepreneurship. Of course this
has its own process in preserving the entrepreneurial culture. According to Foucault, the
preservation process is a discourse in which there is knowledge and power. Knowledge and
power cannot be separated from one another. This study aims to determine how Chinese ethnic
parenting styles in forming entrepreneurial images in children. This study uses qualitative
methods with an archaeological and genealogical perspective by Foucault. The location of this
research was conducted in Pacitan. The subjects of this study were ethnic Chinese who owned
The results of this study indicate that Chinese parents are obliged to provide
entrepreneurship education to their children from an early age. Entrepreneurship education
process is given in stages according to age. Examples are starting from introducing
entrepreneurship at an early age to managing business at adulthood. The goal is so that the
entrepreneurial culture of the Chinese ethnics will not fade.
However, there are slight differences in the socialization of entrepreneurial culture
between now and in the past. Entrepreneurship education is still provided, but at this time some
Chinese parents do not oblige their children to be entrepreneurs. This is due to the modernity
factor, which makes Chinese parents think moderately, in the sense of freeing their children in
determining their future jobs.
Keywords: Discourse, Entrepreneurship, Chinese

How to Cite
Elfani, S. (2021). DISKURSUS POLA ASUH KELUARGA TIONGHOA. Paradigma, 10(1). Retrieved from https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/40233
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