• Nugroho Rizal Pangestu Program Studi Sosiologi Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Each area has its own cultural history. Culture is inherited from generations to a tradition with unique and different characteristics. Nganjuk District has many local culture, one of them in Ngliman Village, Jawa Timur Province. The local culture in Ngliman Village is a water shower ritual in Sedudo waterfall. Siraman Sedudo is a traditional ceremony that organized by the local community and Nganjuk Regency Government. This ceremony is always carried out in May of the Javanese calendar because the Syura is a new year for Java community. The ceremony generally consists of traditional dance stages, a lot of a tribute, taking in Tirta Amerta, and shared bath. The ceremony is still implemented by the community even though the social cultural changes in society are getting stronger. The village of Ngliman Village still maintains Siraman's ceremony despite the existence of water solely as tourism commodity. This research is using the qualitative method with the aim of exposing data related to perception, opinion or response from the subject and object with the Alfred Schultz phenomenology approach. The subject of this research is the adults of Ngliman Village who are 30 years older and have participated in the event at least 2 years. This study uses two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. Data Analysis Technique. This research uses 4 stages of technical analysis technique.This research found the 2 motives are included Because Motive, the customs that have been hereditary and as annual traditions. The second is In order to motive is as an expression of thanks to the God.

 keywords : Siraman Sedudo, Because Motive, In Order to Motive

How to Cite
Pangestu, N. (2021). MAKNA RITUAL SIRAMAN AIR SEDUDO PADA MASYARAKAT DESA. Paradigma, 10(1). Retrieved from
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