• Neny Sujianti Program Studi Sosiologi Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Pencak silat is an intangible heritage recognized by Unesco. As a citizen, it is obligatory to preserve culture. The head of the
pencak silat federation, Mr. Prabowo Subianto, has a way of trying to include pencak islat in the world of education. this
received a positive response from Muhammadiyah, which has a sacred footprint. Muhammadiyah, which is also involved in the
world of education, has many educational institutions that are spread throughout the country from elementary, middle, high school,
to university. This is the field of introduction to the sacred site. as done by SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya or called
SMAMX. SMAMX introduces itself as a gifted school that has more than forty-five active extracurriculars. Tapak Suci
thrives in the SMAMX environment, it can be proven by the many achievements of Tapak Suci that have been achieved by
students. This study seeks to find out the habitus and capital possessed by students in achieving achievements in the field of sacred
sites. This study uses a qualitative method, a case study approach. The research location is in SMAMX with 7 informants who
are active students participating in the sacred tapak training and winning various sacred tapak competitions. Data collection
techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Hubermen model
technique, namely data reduction, data presentation, verification, and conclusion drawing. This study uses Pierre Bourdieu's
theory of habitus. The findings of the data show that the educational atmosphere is supported by existing regulations making
students accustomed to competition in non-academics between students and considers non-academics to be more than academics.
SMAMX is seen as a talent school compared to a normal school. From the findings of data that has been managed by classifying
and combined with Bourdieu's theory of capital, it can be concluded that students have 4 types of capital in achieving
achievements, including cultural, economic, social, and symbolic capital. where each informant has a different capacity and size of
capital. it becomes a benchmark for the difference in achievement of each informant.
Keyword :Tapak Suci,SMAMX, Habit, Field, Capital.

How to Cite
Sujianti, N. (2021). HABITUS SISWA BERPRESTASI EKTRAKULIKULER TAPAK SUCI SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 10 SURABAYA. Paradigma, 10(1). Retrieved from https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/47289
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