Konstruksi Sosial Infaq Barang Bekas Di Desa Sekargadung Kecamatan Dukun Kabupaten Gresik

  • Muhammad Yadikal Khoir Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Normally infaq is carried out by giving new items, good items, decent items, money, food or drinks. In contrast to Sekargadung Village, Shaman Sub-District, Gresik Regency, which introduced the community to used goods or recycled goods. This study aims to analyze the social construction of used goods infaq. Using the social construction theory of Peter L Berger & Thomas Luckman as an analytical knife in dissecting the phenomenon of infaq used goods in society. This study uses a qualitative study method with a phenomenological approach. Presentation of data is presented descriptively with the support of interviews, observation and documentation. The research subjects were seven village communities who were determined by purposive sampling. The results of the research show that social construction is through externalization, objectivation and internalization. The externalization process can be seen in the enthusiasm of the people in giving donations and the feeling of being satisfied with their role even as small as used goods. The community actively or not actively participates in infaq used goods according to their respective understanding, needs and awareness. The objectivation process is marked by the fact that the program has been attached and is routinely carried out by the community as a form of mutual agreement. The perspective of religion and government also does not prohibit the implementation. In the internalization process, there is a dialogue that you should spend using money or good goods, but it turns out that you can also spend using used goods. In the internalization process, there are questions and considerations from the community in donating used goods. In subjective reality the meaning of the infaq program for used goods for the people of Sekargadung Village, Dukun District, Gresik Regency provides various social construction meanings including as a routine program, a form of charity worship to Allah SWT, the obligation as a member of Muhammadiyah, obedience to leaders, motivation to donate not to use, protect the environment and a community learning process.

Keywords: Social Construction, Village Community, Infaq, Used Goods

How to Cite
Khoir, M. (2023). Konstruksi Sosial Infaq Barang Bekas Di Desa Sekargadung Kecamatan Dukun Kabupaten Gresik. Paradigma, 12(2), 21-30. Retrieved from https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/paradigma/article/view/52257
Abstract Views: 62