Peran Guru dalam Implementasi Branding Tuban Bumi Wali di SD N Wotsogo 1 Kecamatan Jatirogo Kabupaten Tuban



The creation of the Tuban Brand as Bumi Wali contributed to the issuance of two new education policies. The policy is the noble
character policy and the G 99 One Heart policy. This study uses a qualitative research approach with the perspective of Emile
Durkheim's social solidarity theory. Emile Durkheim's theory of social solidarity divides the development of people's lives into two
types, namely the type of mechanical solidarity and the type of organic solidarity. The subjects chosen included class IV teachers and
PAI teachers. The research location was at SD N Wotsogo I, Jatirogo sub-district, Tuban Regency. The results obtained related to the
noble character policy are the obligation to have a TPQ certificate as a condition for graduating from elementary school. This policy is
the responsibility of the TPQ, but the teacher participates in designing the habituation of reciting the Qur'an at school to help students
graduate. In carrying out the G 99 policy the teacher makes learning activities that can foster students' religious character. The lessons
that are made include religious habituation activities every day and include the material of Asmaul Husna in PAI lessons. Class IV
teachers and PAI teachers have their respective duties in making the policy successful crucial role in development as they directly interact
with the community. However, not all rural communities have access to land, resulting in unemployment for those who do not have it.
Entrepreneurship and empowerment are ways to improve the rural economy. One concrete example of socio-economic development is the
implementation of Village-owned enterprises (BUMDes). It is crucial to acknowledge the potential of women in BUMDes programs
as both actors and recipients of empowerment. Women's involvement in BUMDes programs can be a step towards achieving selfreliance and improving family welfare. The objective of this research is to describe the BUMDes business program in Gupolo Village
based on Sara Longwe's five empowerment criteria. The research methodology is descriptive qualitative research, which includes
participant observation, interviews, and documentation as data sources. The study findings reveal that the empowerment of women in
Gupolo Village through BUMDes has been successful in fulfilling Sara Longwe's five empowerment criteria, namely Well-being,
Access, Critical Awareness, Participation, and Power.
Keywords: E Role; Teacher; Policy.
Terciptanya Brand Tuban sebagai Bumi Wali turut mengeluarkan dua kebijakan pendidikan baru. Kebijakan
tersebut adalah kebijakan akhlak mulia dan kebijakan G 99 Satu Hati. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan
penelitian kualitataif dengan perspektif teori solidaritas sosial Emile Durkheim. Teori solidaritas sosial Emile
Durkheim membagi perkembangan kehidupan masyarakat menjadi dua tipe yaitu tipe solidaritas mekanik dan tipe
solidaritas organik. Subjek yang dipilih antara lain guru kelas IV dan Guru PAI. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di SD
N Wotsogo I kecamatan Jatirogo Kabupaten Tuban. Hasil yang diperoleh terkait kebijakan akhlak mulia adalah
kewajiban memiliki ijazah TPQ sebagai syarat kelulusan SD. Kebijakan ini merupakan tanggung jawab TPQ,
namun guru ikut merancang kegiatan pembiasaan melantunkan bacaan Al Qur’an di sekolah untuk membantu
kelululusan siswa. Dalam menjalankan kebijakan G 99 guru membuat kegiatan pembelajaran yang dapat
menumbuhkan karakter religius siswa. Pembelajaran yang dibuat meliputi kegiatan pembiasaan-pembiasaan
keagamaan setiap harinya dan memasukkan materi asmaul husna pada pelajaran PAI. Guru kelas IV dan guru PAI
memiliki tugas masing-masing dalam menyukseskan kebijakan tersebut.
Keywords: Peran; Guru; Kebijakan.

How to Cite
RAMANDA, A. (2023). Peran Guru dalam Implementasi Branding Tuban Bumi Wali di SD N Wotsogo 1 Kecamatan Jatirogo Kabupaten Tuban. Paradigma, 12(2), 41-50. Retrieved from
Abstract Views: 45