Pengalaman Pedagang Sebagai Pihak Terdampak Proyek Pelebaran Jalan Daendels Gresik

  • Nur Jannah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Road infrastructure development is carried out as an effort to reduce congestion and accident problems and increase
community economic growth. One of the infrastructure developments carried out is the Daendels Gresik Road eidening
project. The development has an impact on the surrounding community, especially informal sector actors. To support road
construction, the local goverment carried out land acquisition by evicting traders on Daendels Roaf. This study aims to
analyze the experience of traders as parties affected by road widening projects, identify the condition of traders’
sosioeconomics objects, identify problems experienced by traders, and identify coping strategies applied by traders when
overcoming problems. This study uses qualitative methods using the perspective of coping strategy theoty assieted by data
collection techniques, such as interviews, documentation, and observation. The results showed that through experience
during the eviction process, there was a perspective on eviction by each trader and the actions taken by traders when facing
eviction. Evictions for traders have a negative impact on their lives, including social and economic problems. Coping
strategies used by traders include the concepts of emotion focused coping and problem focused coping. The strategy carried
out, namely borrowing money from relatives, making savings, staying in the location, accepting resignedly, getting closer
to God, and others.

How to Cite
Jannah, N. (2024). Pengalaman Pedagang Sebagai Pihak Terdampak Proyek Pelebaran Jalan Daendels Gresik. Paradigma, 13(1), 71-80. Retrieved from
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