Keefektifan Multimedia Berbasis Program Adobe Flash Pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan Manusia Kelas VIII SMP Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar



Siswa memerlukan media interaktif yang dapat memperjelas konsep materi sistem pencernaan manusia guna meningkatkan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan multimedia berbasis program adobe flash untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMP kelas VIII, melalui lembar soal tes yakni tes pretest dan tes posttest yang digunakan untuk mengukur hasil belajar sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis adobe flash. Jenis pengembangan menggunakan metode R&D yang dibatasi hanya enam tahap yakni potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, dan uji coba terbatas pada 20 siswa. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa jumlah siswa yang tuntas pada saat pretest adalah 0% atau dapat dikatakan tidak ada siswa yang tuntas, sedangkan jumlah siswa yang tuntas pada saat posttest sebesar 85% atau dapat dikatakan hampir seluruh siswa telah tuntas pada posttest. Peningkatan hasil belajar diperoleh bahwa rata-rata nilai posttest siswa lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nilai pretest. Hasil perhitungan skor g (gain) diperoleh (g) = 0,81. Berdasarkan kriteria interpretasi g (gain), skor gain yang diperoleh tersebut termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, hasil belajar siswa meningkat dengan kriteria peningkatan tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media interaktif berbasis adobe flash layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran.

Kata kunci: Adobe flash, hasil belajar siswa, sistem pencernaan manusia

Students need interactive media that could clarify the concept of the human digestive system to improve learning achievment. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of multimedia based on adobe flash program to improve the learning outcomes of grade 8th of junior high school students through test questions sheets namely pretest and posttest which were used to measure learning outcomes before and after learning using adobe flash-based interactive learning media. The type of research used was R & D which was limited to only six stages, namely potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revisions and trials limited to 20 students. The results obtained that the number of students who completed at the pretest was 0% or it could be said that there were no students who completed, while the number of students who completed at the posttest was 85% or it could be said that almost all students had completed the posttest. Increased learning outcomes obtained that the average posttest value of students was higher than the value of the pretest. The results of the calculation of the g score (gain) were obtained (g) = 0.81. Based on the criteria of g (gain) interpretation, the gain score obtained was included in the high category. Based on the data obtained, student learning outcomes increase with the criteria for increasing height. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that adobe flash-based interactive media was worthy of being used as a learning media.

Keywords: Adobe flash, student learning outcomes, the human digestive system

How to Cite
FAUROQ AMRULLOH, M., & DUCHA, N. (2019). Keefektifan Multimedia Berbasis Program Adobe Flash Pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan Manusia Kelas VIII SMP Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar. PENSA: E-JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SAINS, 7(1). Retrieved from
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