Pada pelaksanaan proyek, Sisa material (waste) tidak dapat dihindari namun dapat diminimalkan jumlahnya. Penyebabnya beragam mulai dari faktor tenaga kerja, desan, metode, hingga pengadaan barang. Pada pelaksanaan proyek apartemen Royal Citylfoyt Surabaya ditemukan sisa-sisa material yang menumpuk pada lokasi proyek seperti besi, pipa, dan kayu. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan perhitungan secara teliti mengenai sisa material yang dihasilkan selama proyek berlangsung baik dari segi jumlah dan biaya.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai waste level dan waste cost, persentase waste terhadap nilai proyek, faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya waste, serta upaya penanganan untuk meminimalkan terjadinya sisa material (waste).
Dari hasil penelitian, material-material yang memiliki nilai waste besar dari hasil analisa pareto diantaranya Besi Ø8, Besi D19, Semen PC, Bata ringan 600x200x100cm Ex.Blesscon, Cat Acrylic Emulsion, Besi D10, Cat Acrylic Latex, Keramik Platinum Ocra White 400x400cm, Besi D16, Multipleks 12mm, Pasir Pasang, Besi D13, Semen Instant UZIN TB, Besi D22, Batako 20x40x10cm, Plamir, Semen Instant UZIN SC dengan sisa material terbesar pada Besi Ø8 dengan nilai waste level 19,69% dan waste cost Rp. 148.321.150,19. Kemudian, besar persentase waste terhadap nilai proyek sebesar 2,750%. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya waste diantaranya: material yang terlalu cepat datang, kurang pengawasan saat pelaksanaan pekerjaan, adanya perubahan desain, kurangnya pemahaman pekerja terhadap metode pekerjaan, kesalahan metode, material yang tidak tahan dengan cuaca, ruang penyimpanan gudang yang terbatas, petalatan yang tidak valid, adanya pembongkaran di lapangan, kerusakan saat pengangkutan, kehilangan saat pelaksanaan, serta keterlambatan proyek. Upaya penanganan sisa material (waste) yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya: membuat rencana perhitungan dan penanganan material sisa, memberikan pelatihan kepada pekerja mengenai metode pekerjaan, penyediaan tempat yang memadai untuk material, penggunaan material untuk peralatan atau pekerjaan lain, pengalihan material ke proyek lain jika masih bisa digunakan, mendaur ulang material kepada pihak lain.
Kata kunci: sisa material, waste level, waste cost.
On construction projects, waste material could not be avoided but could be minimized in quntity. Three are variety causes from manpower factors, designs, methods, and procurements. In project apartment Royal Cityloft in Surabaya were found the remnants of material that has accumulated in the project site, such as steels, pipes, and woods. Therefore, we need a thorough calculation of waste materials during construction, both the quantity and cost.
This study aims to find out the value of waste level and waste costs, the percentage of waste toward value of the project, factors that cause waste, as well as efforts to minimize waste materials (waste).
The research shows that, materials which have a greater value from Pareto analysis are Steel bar Ø8, Steel bar D19, Portland Cement , Brick 600x200x100cm Ex. Blesscon, Paint Acrylic Emulsion, Steel bar D10, Paint Acrylic Latex, Ceramics Platinum Ocra White 400x400cm, Steel bar D16, Multiplex 12mm, Sand, Steel bar D13, Instant Cement UZIN TB, Steel bar D22, Brick 20x40x10cm, Plamir, Instant Cement UZIN SC, with the most waste material is steel bar Ø8 with value of waste level by 19.69% and waste cost Rp. 148.321.150,19. Then, the percentage of waste to the project value is 2.750%. Factors that causing waste materials are: materials that arrives earlier, lack of supervision during working, changes of the design, lack of understanding from workers towards work methods, misuse of methods, materials which are not resistant to weather, storage space is limited, machine and equipment which could not be used, there is demolition on the ground, damage during transport, losses during construction, as well as project delays. The handling of waste material that could be do such as: making a plan for calculation and handling of waste materials, provide a training to workers about methods of work, provide an adequate place for materials, use materials as tools or other work, transfer the materials to another project if it still useful, recycle materials to other parties.
Keywords: waste material, waste level, waste cost.