The Use of Affective Strategies in a Speaking Class



AbstrakAffective Strategies berurusan dengan bagaimana orang atau mahasiswa berbicara dengan kecemasan rendah dan berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Selain itu, guru menerapkan affective strategy untuk mengetahui apakah siswa berbicara dengan fasih setelah berlatih affective strategy. Sebagai contoh, deep breathing, listening to music, and laughing guru dilatih siswa untuk menerapkan strategi ini. Setelah menerapkan pernapasan, mendengarkan musik, dan tertawa guru memberikan topik untuk membahas bersama-sama. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, instrumen untuk studi ini adalah peneliti dirinya. Sebaliknya, peneliti harus memiliki keterampilan observasi yang baik dan kesadaran diri bias pribadi dan penghakiman. Selain itu, catatan-catatan lapangan yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi mengenai pengajaran dan pembelajaran di kelas ketika berbicara kelas untuk mengetahui affective strategy baik diterapkan guru dan siswa berbicara kegiatan itu sendiri. Namun, studi ini menemukan bahwa guru diterapkan affective strategy sebagai berikut: deep breathing, listening to music, and laughing dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran, dan telah berbicara kegiatan setelah menerapkan pernapasan. Yang paling sering digunakan oleh siswa tertawa karena itu yang paling kesan dan teknik-teknik yang santai di kelas. itu membuat mereka berbicara aktif di kelas dan mengurangi kecemasan mereka.
Kata Kunci: affective strategies, speaking, deep breathing, listening to music and laughing.
AbstractAffective strategies deal with how people or student try to speak in the low anxiety and communicate with others. Thus, the teacher applies affective strategies in order to know whether the students speak fluently after practicing the affective strategies. For instance, deep breathing, listening to music and laughing, the teacher trained the students to apply these affective strategies. After applying deep breathing, listening to music, and laughing teacher gave the topic to discuss together. This study was conducted using descriptive qualitative method, the instrument for this study is the observational audio. Instead, the researcher must have a good observational skill and self-awareness of the personal bias and judgment. Furthermore, the field notes were used to collect the information regarding the teaching and learning process in the class while speaking class in order to know the teacher well-applied affective strategies and students speaking activities itself. However, this study found that the teacher applied affective strategies as follows: deep breathing, listening to music, and laughing in the teaching and learning process, and had speaking activities after applying deep breathing. The most used by the students were laughing because it the most impression and relaxed techniques in the class. it made them speak actively in the class and reduced their anxiety.
Keywords: affective strategies, speaking, deep breathing, listening to music and laughing.
How to Cite
RANIAHTHIFAL ADIWIJAYA, F. (2018). The Use of Affective Strategies in a Speaking Class. RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 6(3). Retrieved from
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