• Imam Fathoni


Abstrak. Bentonit merupakan bahan yang serbaguna dan secara luas digunakan dalam berbagai bidang salah satunya sebagai adsorben zat warna. Zat warna methylene blue dan naftol kerap digunakan sebagai industri tekstil. Zat warna methylene blue dan naftol bersifat toksik, penggunaan secara berlebihan dapat menyebabkan mutasi genetik, iritasi mata serta saluran pernafasan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi dan konsentrasi terbaik methylene blue, naftol dan campuran keduanya terhadap kemampuan adsorpsi bentonit. Prosedur percobaan dalam penelitian ini meliputi, penyiapan bentonit, memvariasikan konsentrasi methylene blue dan naftol (20 mg/L; 40 mg/L; 60 mg/L; 80 mg/L; 100 mg/L; 120 mg/L) serta larutan campuran (20 mg/L; 40 mg/L; 60 mg/L), dan adsorpsi zat warna. Hasil konsentrasi terbaik methylene blue, naftol dan campuran keduanya pada bentonit didapatkan sebesar 66,283 mg/L dengan daya adsorpsi sebesar 397,698 mg/g pada methylene blue. Konsentrasi naftol sebesar 62,071 mg/L dengan daya adsorpsi 372,426 mg/g, sedangkan untuk larutan campuran didapatkan konsentrasi methylene blue 56,119 mg/L dengan daya adsorpsi 336,714 mg/g dan naftol didapatkan 50,295 mg/L dengan daya adsorpsi 301,770 mg/g.


Kata kunci: Bentonit, Methylene Blue, Naftol, Adsorpsi

Abstract. Bentonite is widely used in various fields and of one of that fields, can used as an dye adsorbent. Methylene blue and naphthol often used in textile industry. The dye of methylene blue and naphthol is toxicity, excessive genetic mutations, eyes irritation and respiratory tract. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of variations in the concentration and the best concentration of methylene blue, naphthol and mixture of both for the adsorption capacity using bentonite. The experimental procedure in this study were preparation of bentonite, various of concentration methylene blue and naphthol (20 mg / L; 40 mg / L; 60 mg / L; 80 mg / L; 100 mg / L; 120 mg / L) and mixture both of the dye (20 mg / L; 40 mg / L; 60 mg / L). The best result concentration of methylene blue, naphthol, and mixture of bentonite was 66.283 mg/L with adsorption capacity was 397.698 mg/g of methylene blue. The naphthol concentration was 62.071 mg/L with adsorption capacity was 372.426 mg/g. The best mixture concentration of methylene blue was 56.119 mg/L with adsorption capacity of 336.714 mg/g and naphthol was 50.295 mg /L with adsorption capacity of 301.770 mg/g.


Keywords: Bentonite, Methylene Blue, Naphthol, Adsorption

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