Pengembangan E-Book Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Materi Enzim untuk Melatih Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas XII SMA
Pesatnya teknologi, informasi, dan komunikasi yang menjadi tanda perkembangan abad ke-21 memberikan kemudahan pada bidang pendidikan. Salah satu tuntutan pendidikan di abad ke-21 yaitu berpikir kritis yang merupakan proses berpikir dalam mencapai tujuan tertentu, memecahkan permasalahan, serta menghasilkan keputusan yang tepat. Berpikir kritis bisa dilatih menggunakan model inkuiri terbimbing yaitu model pembelajaran yang menuntut siswa menemukan dan memanfaatkan segala sumber informasi dalam meningkatkan pemahaman masalah atau isu dengan dipandu oleh guru. Materi enzim dianggap sulit karena bersifat abstrak, memiliki cakupan luas, dan pembelajaran berpusat pada guru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan e-book berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi enzim yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk melatih keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Model pengembangan penelitian ini yaitu model 4D (define, design, develop, disseminate). Validitas e-book ditinjau oleh kelayakan isi, penyajian, kebahasaan. Kepraktisan e-book ditinjau dari tingkat keterbacaan dan respons siswa. Keefektifan e-book ditinjau dari hasil belajar siswa. Kegiatan uji coba dilakukan di SMAN 1 Gedangan. Data dilakukan analisis dengan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif. E-book dikatakan valid dengan skor validitas ? 2,51, praktis dengan level keterbacaan 12 dan hasil respons ? 60%, serta efektif dengan gain score ? 0,7 dan keterampilan berpikir kritis ? 71,5. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa e-book valid dengan rata-rata 3,92. E-book praktis dengan persentase respons siswa 98,99% dan tingkat keterbacaan di level 12 yang sesuai untuk kelas XII SMA. E-book efektif dengan rata-rata indikator berpikir kritis 83,4% dan gain score 0,88.
Kata Kunci: pengembangan, e-book, inkuiri terbimbing, enzim, berpikir kritis.
The rapid development of technology, information and communication which is a sign of the development of the 21st century has made things easier in education. One of the demands of education in the 21st century is critical thinking, which is a thinking process in achieving certain goals, solving problems, and producing the right decisions. Critical thinking can be trained using the guided inquiry model, which is a learning model that requires students to find and utilize all sources of information to increase understanding of problems or issues guided by the teacher. Enzyme material is considered difficult because it was abstract, has a broad scope, and learning is teacher-centered. The aim of this research is to produce a guided inquiry-based e-book on enzyme material that is valid, practical and effective for training students' critical thinking skills. The development model for this research was the 4D model (define, design, develop, disseminate). The validity of e-books is reviewed by the content, presentation, language. The practicality of e-books is seen from the level of readability and student response. The effectiveness of e-books is seen from student learning outcomes. Trial activities were carried out at SMAN 1 Gedangan. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques. E-books are said to be valid with a validity score ? 2.51, practical with a readability level of 12 and response results ? 60%, and effective with a gain score ? 0.7 and critical thinking skills ? 71.5. Based on research, the results showed that e-books were valid with an average of 3.92. Practical e-book with a student response percentage of 98.99% and a readability level of level 12 which is suitable for class XII high school. E-books are effective with an average critical thinking indicator of 83.4% and a gain score of 0.88.
Keywords: development, e-book, guided inquiry, enzymes, critical thinking.